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"Get your asses up!" A loud voice shouted, entering the training room.

All the werewolves were either stretching or just talking amongst themselves. Most complaining about how this is wasting their time others talking about how this is gonna help them. They were all surprised when two girls stormed into the room, along with Lucy. Phoebe trailing behind them drinking banana milk.

"Listen up mutts, I don't want to be here and I'm pretty sure you don't either. However, I ain't no pussy who backs out of shit. So you'll listen to what I fucking say, understood?" Bonnie spoke in a venomous voice. It was sharp. The wolves nodded out of fear.

Soon enough, Millie throw a bunch of knives on the floor. "Just cause your wolves doesn't mean you can fight these rogues with your wolf form. So you need to learn how to fight in human form. Today we'll be doing knife throws." Millie pointed behind her, "aim for these targets, the one who gets the most gets to leave early. The others have to stay for an extra hour and run around the whole gym, understood?" She didn't speak as angrily as Bonnie. She spoke in more of a bored tone, like she didn't want to be there as much as them.

All the werewolves lined up, each having multiple knives in hand. They started throwing, mostly missing.

"Can I join?" Phoebe bounced in excitement stood in front of Bonnie, who laughed at her behaviour. "Sure, but be careful." Bonnie kept an eye on her, making sure she didn't get hurt. Millie watched the two fondly, smiling at the way Bonnie watched Phoebe with admiration in her eyes.

"This is stupid, being taught by blood suckers." A voice muttered.

Everyone fell silent. Bonnie slowly stood up from her position. Walking over to the girl who spoke, it was Lucy.

"So the wolf has an attitude?" Bonnie spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice. Lucy was shaking in her place. Bonnie looked over to Millie.

"When was the last time we played blood shed?" Bonnie asked, smirking. Millie smirked back. "A few years." Millie said in a mocking voice. "Why are you asking?" She questioned. "I think we have a new player." Bonnie looked over to the girl in front of her.

"Go stand in front of the target." She said nonchalantly. "W-what?" Lucy was shocked, along with the others. "I said go stand in front of the target." Her voice became deadly.

Lucy shakily walked to the target. Bonnie smirked, picking up a knife.
"Stay still." She said. Swiftly throwing the knife, it landed beside Lucy's hand, so close that it touched her thumb. Millie now stood in front of her. Knife placed between her fingers. "This will only hurt a bit." She teased. Throwing the knife, it landed beside Lucy's ear, cutting it slightly. Lucy turned her head to the side, hissing in pain. "I warned you." Millie shrugged.

Bonnie and Millie looked at the girl seeing the fear in her face. The blood drip done her ear. It reminded then of the other times they played this game. The much for violent ones. The gory ones. The ones that ended in death.

"One more." Bonnie throw the knife up and down in her hand. "This is for him." She slightly mumbled, only audible to a few. The knife left her hand, it spun in the air. You saw Lucy suck in a sharp breath, it was heading for her head, straight throw. Everyone was in a state of shock.

It was going to hit-

The knife stopped, an inch away from her head. Bonnie stood in front of her, the knife in hand. She just stared a her. Just staring. Not glaring. No emotion was shown on her face.

"Be careful what you say next time." Bonnie whispered into her ear.

"Training is over."

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