"See you in an hour." I say, ending the message and sitting the phone in my lap, feeling a little bit as if I'm in shock. I can't believe I just did that, I can't believe I told him - or kind of told him. 

"Ready to go?" Hailey asks, looking at McKenna and then back at me. We give her a thumbs up and she pulls out of the parking lot and back onto the road. Just a handful of miles standing between Wes and I. 


Covington is a sketchy place and the area where the venue is located is probably one of the more sketchier parts of the town. We'd gotten stuck in traffic once we hit the city limits so we were cutting it close if I wanted to get to Wes before he went on stage. Hailey dropped me off at the front door and went to find a place to park the car, I hadn't even thought about tickets to get in, but now that I'm standing in front of the entrance, I realize that the show could be sold out and I won't be able to get in. 

I rush over to the ticket window and thankfully am able to buy a ticket for the show. I send McKenna a text letting her know where to buy a ticket and then I run through the doors and begin pushing my way through the crowd of general admission people who are not happy to have someone weave her way through and get a better spot than them. Some people try to resist and not let me through, but nothing is stopping me from getting to that stage, so I push through with strength I didn't even know I had. 

I'm halfway there and the lights dim a little, letting people know that the first band is about to take the stage and I'm trying to push through the crowd but the guy next to me is screaming at another guy and no one can hear me when I say excuse me or ask to get by. The guy and his friends are starting to shove one another and now the entire group is yelling and threatening one another and I can't get through - everyone's eyes are on the men and my eyes lock with Wes' as he stares at me in horror from the stage. 

Wes' P.O.V

I never had a family, the closest thing I have is my sister Hailey, and she isn't even really my sister, she was just a girl that suffered the same cruelty as me in our last foster home. We became close in the home and kept in touch after we both turned eighteen and went our separate ways. Hailey is great and I love her, she's my sister in every way that counts - but she never felt like home or like a safety net. 

Home is Luna, safety is Luna, warmth and happiness - it's all Luna. So when she told me to go, to leave because she didn't want me there, it hurt. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and I couldn't breathe because Luna is the air in my lungs and she didn't want me. 

At first I thought that it was because of the tour, that maybe something about it scared her and so she was returning to her old ways and hiding what she was feeling, but then when she seemed so confident and sure about what she was saying I thought differently. 

Luna had been doing so well, she was on the right track and everything was looking up for her - so why did she need me? Maybe she was done with me and ready to move on to someone better, someone who would fit in with her life. On paper, Luna and I don't match, we're total opposites - she's from a gated community with Range Rovers and credit cards with no limits while I'm from one mattress on the floor to another. She looks like a beauty queen and I look like the guy that cleans up once the pageant is over. She's smart, kind and funny - everything I'm not. 

It never made sense to me why a girl like her would waste her time with a guy like me, but then I remembered that it was all because of the drugs. She was an addict and I had the supply, so of course she wanted to spend time with me. 

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