Bloodstream *

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Hi hi! So, I've decided that Lily Collins is the perfect Tessa. Um..I just feel as though she portrays Tessa better than Olivia Frischer does. Anyway, Dylan is still the same!

Also...this chapter is smutty, so that's what the asterisk means.


My anger for Harry had subsided immensely since he'd come over less than seventy-two hours ago, but it still lingered in my head, especially when I'd find a forgotten belonging that Dylan had left, or if I thought about our recent break-up...Harry had made things so much worse than they had to be. Granted, I was the one who cheated, but the stupid bloke went about it the absolute wrong way. He'd come over for lunch yesterday and things seemed better-or at least okay. Just as I was about to step out, my phone beeped, indicating I had a text. A very small smile played on my lips as my eyes scanned over Harry's words.

-You never called me back :( I'll consider it settled if you maybe wanted to come to this thing tomorrow...the boys are in town for an interview, but theres this exclusive party thing at one of the manager's lofts tomorrow night and I was hoping you might want to go with me. It doesn't have to be a date...unless you want it to be. Anyway. Fuck, I'm rambling. Maybe I'll just come over and we can hang out and I'll ask you in person if that's better? Are you busy?-

I laughed at how nervous and childish he seemed and a new text came in quickly after.

-Also, I was kidding about settling up. You don't have to settle up. I just miss you x.-

I began writing a message back, not even bothering to fight the grin that was taking over my entire face.

-I'm on my way out, actually. Got a busy day today :/ But if you wanted, maybe you can come over and I'll make dinner? We can discuss tomorrow's festivities then?-

I pressed send and grabbed my thick boyfriend coat and beanie. Winter in New York City was brutal and the past few times I've left the apartment, I haven't been in any way prepared, so I made sure I was bundled up to the most serious extent.

Just as I stepped onto the subway, my phone rang loudly and his name popped up, causing my eyes to roll.

"What can I do for ya?" I answered, trying not to sound as giddy as I felt.

"I wanted to hear your voice is all."

"Hi Harry..." I sighed with a smile.

"Hello Tessa..." His raspy chuckle caused me to groan internally. "So what are you doing? What have you got to do today, I mean."

"Well, first of all, I'm going to a makeup free polaroid shoot for this 'real beauty' campaign, then I've got to start my Christmas shopping and I've got a meeting with my agent."

"Why am I not surprised you're part of a 'real beauty' campaign. That's really amazing, Tess..." I loved how sincere he was, and his words made my insides feel all warm.

"Thank you, Harry. So...dinner or no?"

"Hmm...well, I've got to squeeze you in with these other two girls. But I should be able to come over for a quick bite..." I could practically hear his smirk through my phone's tiny speaker.

"Oh good, thank you, means a lot." We both laughed playfully and he cleared his throat.

"No but I'd love to come over tonight. What time is good for you, babe?"

"Erm-how about six?"

"Perfect. Want me to bring anything?"

"No, probably not, but I'll let you know if I think of something."

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