They Burn So Bright I Wanna Feel Your Love

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"Tessa? Hey, baby...rise and shine." Harry's voice didn't sound like it normally did and I shrugged his hands away.

"Just let me sleep, please." I groaned into my pillow and as much as I wanted to pull him down and cuddle him to death, he had other plans.

"Tessa, I wanna tell you about my trip!" Trip? Realization hit me as my brain awoke. Dylan. I shot up out of bed and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend.

"Hi!" I squealed as he laughed against my neck.

"Hello to you too." I let him go and crawled out of bed. Had he seen Harry? Did Harry even spend the night? Questions began flooding my head as I walked out to the living area. There wasn't a single trace of him and I sighed in relief, continuing on into the kitchen to make coffee, with Dylan right behind me. I poured the two of us a cup each and we sat down, whilst he began telling me every single detail about his trip. The entire time though, my mind would drift to Harry.


After I'd woken up with a stiff neck, I immediately got up and grabbed two aspirin from the kitchen counter and swallowed them down with water. Just as I was rummaging through the refrigerator and pantry, I realized that making breakfast wasn't necessarily the best plan. I didn't know how Tessa would react to me staying over. Instead, I grabbed my boots and phone and headed out. I had shit to do and I figured I'd just come back later once I was finished.

So after checking into a hotel that happened to be kitty-corner from her building, and showering, I got dressed and hurried back. I wasn't sure how things would play out today but I was determined to win her over.

I took the stairs two at a time and after what seemed like an endless amount of steps, I was finally standing in front of her baby blue front door. I knocked once, but impulsively pushed it open and walked into the apartment.

"Tessa?" It was one in the afternoon so I figured she wouldn't be asleep. "Tess, you really need to lock your door-" I was cut off when my eyes fell upon a man, stepping out of her bathroom in nothing but a towel.

"Umm...can I help you?" He looked at me with a confused expression plastered across his face and I mentally wanted to throw up.

"Is-" I began, but she interjected.

"Harry! You made it!" I turned around to see a very happy looking Tessa hurrying towards me with her arms outstretched. "Babe, this is Harry...we were friends back home."

"Yeah, I know who you are-you're in One Direction, yeah?"

"Erm-yeah I am." Did she expect me to be nice to him? Was this a fucking joke?

"Cool. I'll be right back, I'm gonna change." He moved towards the bedroom without either of us saying a word, but as soon as the door closed I turned around, furious.

"You live together?" I felt the venom slip into my tone.

"No, he has things here just in case. You need to be nice, or you need to leave."

"I'm not going to fucking be nice, and I am not leaving." I towered over her, trying to be as intimidating as possible, but her god damn frustrated frown made me want to kiss the shit out of her, regardless of whether or not her boyfriend was a wall away.

"You are out of control, you know that?! Out of fucking control!" She hissed angrily and I was getting more turned on by the second, so instead of arguing anymore, I grabbed her waist, pulling our bodies together, and I kissed her hard on the mouth. For a few seconds she was taken aback, but then her lips began moving in sync with mine. It ended all too quickly when the door to her bedroom opened and we pulled away instantly, just before he walked into the kitchen.

"So how long are you in town, Harry?" Fucker.

"Indefinitely." I smirked over at Tessa as I answered him. She was hastily scrubbing dishes in the sink, looking completely crazed, but still absolutely flawless.

"Any reason for that?" I really wasn't focusing on this twat, but I figured answering his questions was the least I could do.

"Just uh-just one in particular." I really couldn't help the devilish grin that was playing on my lips. I knew my words were irking her, but I found it too amusing to stop.

"And what's that?" Dylan's voice pulled my gaze away from my girl, and I could hear a bit of challenge behind his tone, like he knew something was up. So, instead of smirking at Tessa, I directed my attention to him and smiled smugly.

"My friendship with Tess, of course." I made sure to say her name just the way I knew she liked it. I was very much aware of my sarcasm and by the look he was giving me, he didn't seem to be appreciating it.

"What triggered that? I mean, besides the four years since you last talked." What a fucking prick.

"Well, after she had dinner with my mum and I, back in England, I just couldn't bear losing such an amazing friend again." She had stopped doing dishes now and I felt her eyes glaring at me as Dylan and I stood testing one another.

"Oh, so you had dinner with him?" He questioned her and she laughed, nervously.

"Yeah, after I uh-ran into his mum, Anne, she talked me into visiting."

"Was that before or after I asked you in the bakery?" A part of me felt bad for putting her on the spot like this, but like I'd previously stated, I'm quite used to getting what I want...and I wanted her more than anything.

"Tessa, what the hell is going on?"

"Nothing is going on, Dylan. I had dinner with him and his mum, and then he came here to visit. There's nothing to it." I couldn't help but chuckle at this, which caused both of them to stare at me.

"So that's what you want to call us?" I asked her, feeling pissed off, though I probably didn't have a reason to.

"There is no us!" She shouted this and the room was silent.

"So yesterday meant nothing then?" I was feeling more and more broken with every word she said.

"Something fucking happened yesterday?" Dylan's voice was threatening as he glared down at her, far too close for my liking.

"No, no...we just hung out-" She stammered before I cut her off.

"Oh, is that what it was?"

"Tessa, tell me what fucking happened now." He seemed as though he would hit her if she didn't give him what he wanted.

"Why don't you step back, mate." I moved towards them but he shot me a pissed off stare.

"Don't tell me what to do with my girlfriend." As he focused back on Tessa, his voice softened. "Did you...did you cheat on me with him?" I felt a pang of guilt at how hurt he sounded, but the thought of them breaking up excited me.

"Harry...please, can you leave?" What the fuck?

"No, Tess, I already told you I'm not-"

"Harry!" Her voice cracked but it still scared me slightly. She really didn't want me.

"Tess, please-"

"Leave now." Her eyes were angry and I felt like getting on my knees and begging her to let me stay, but that was borderline pathetic and I wasn't about to play that role in front of him-had he not been there I'd be grasping at straws, doing anything I could to get her to let me stay. Instead, I turned away and walked down the hallway to the front door, but before I stepped out, I pulled my room key out of my back pocket and wrote the room number on it, then I placed it on the entryway table next to the vintage lamp and walked out of the apartment.

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