Extra Chapter - The Past

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A Shea and Aika Flashback

It was a dawn and Shea had just got off from pratice. These past few weeks have been a disater. Hino and Ren has esaped, and Kaito was on the run. Aika was driving her nuts. Shea was leaving for India today and Shea just wanted to see her one more time.

Shea passed by the palace, and saw Aika talking to Aki. Aika noticed her and winked. Shea went over to them.

"I was about to leave, where are you coming from?" Aika asked.

"Practice and training from the dojo." Shea replied rolling her eyes. "Where is the emperor?" Shea asked turning to Aki.

"He's in bed sick." Aki responded coldly.

"Again?" Shea asked with an eyebrow up.

"Yeah he was coughing up blood this morning his sickness is getting worst." Aki told her. "Mother is worried."

They were silent. They all knew the plan was working, after the emperor was gone they go for Aki's mother next.

"Well I guess I'll start heading to the ship port." Aika said. She started to gather her things.

"I'll help you." Shea said.

Aika looked at her.

"Let Shea help you with your stuff and take you to the ship," Aki added in.

Shea took one of her bags. They both said bye to Aki and continue on there way.

"This is going to be a new beginning," Aika told her. "Once that disgusting man is dead and his selfish wife is gone, things might be happy for once."

Shea nodded.

"Oh your giving me the silent treatment," Aika said.

"Nothing to really say..." Shea responded.

"Look I'm sorry on how things ended but-"

Shea interupted her with a kiss, grabbing Aika's face.

"Why do you keep playing with my feelings," Shea said letting go off Aika's face.

Aika was silent.

"You break up with me then get back together and then break up again. I don't have time for these games." Shea said.

"I'm not trying to play you. A lot has been happening from the village to me meeting other people, but none are like you." Aika said stroking Shea's hair.

Shea rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"When I come back from India then we can talk about where we stand," Aika said walking behind her.

Shea remained silent. They reached the harbor and Aika's ship was ready. Shea helped her abroad. Deep down Shea didn't want her to go and was going to miss her.

Aika turned around and kissed Shea's cheek.

"Stay strong." Aika told her. "You have amazing potenial as a ninja, maybe you'll be hokage one day."

Shea just muttered whatever and got back on land.

From land she could see the boat moving away and Aika waving at her. That mystery complicated genius was the love of her life and Shea hated her sometimes. Shea started to walk back to the palace. Now the only thing left was to leave Aika's poison from India do its work.

. . .

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