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Zima and Aki ran into of the palace as fast as they could. Right on the porch was a young teenage girl with short brown hair. She held a knife towards Hino's neck and was holding him in a position he could not escape.

"REN!" Aki yelled. "That's enough put the knife away and we'll talk inside." Aki slowly approached them.

Hino's face was turning bright red, Zima couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or from being held in that choking position. There were about five ninjas surrounding them. The girl looked around her surrounding.

"Ren please, you're surrounded, and if you kill him I can't let that go as unpunished, so please let him go and let's talk things out inside." Aki walked a little more slowly towards them. Ren's hand was starting to shake.

"BACK UP! STAY AWAY OR I SWEAR I WILL CUT HIS THROAT!" Her voice was shaky, and she brought Hino neck closer to the blade

"Ren please," Aki insisted still walking up to them until he was only a few inches away from his younger brother and sister.

"Why...Why...Why did you.." Ren started to speak but she dropped the knife, let go of Hino, and fell to the floor sobbing. Aki bent down towards her and pulled her in for a hug, and she sobbed in his chest. The ninjas stay put but relaxed no longer in combat fighting position.

Zima watched from the back and didn't even notice that Hino had two ninjas escort him from the scene until he was standing next to her and spoke.

"Can you fucking believe it, my sister, who I haven't seen in years first thing that she does when she sees me is choke me and puts a knife to my throat," Hino complained.

Zima jumped and saw it was Hino.

"Ugh she should be mad at Aki, but here she is crying in his chest," Hino said rolling his eyes.

"How old is she?" Zima asked.

Hino thought for a moment, "She should be 16 by now."

Zima turned around, grabbing Hino's wrist and dragging him along her.

"HEY!" He yelled, "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"We need to give them space," Zima said still dragging Hino with her.

"Screw them," Hino yelled.

Zima rolled her eyes, "Aki was defiantly not wrong about you being hotheaded."

Hino looked at her baffled, " Excuse me? Hotheaded?"

Zime brought him to the tea room, where Shea and Shin were also in. Once Shea and Shin saw who it was that opened the door they ran to Zima's side.

"Is everything ok?" Shea asked. "One of the guards made me and Shin stay in here cause apparently, Lady Ren was doing a dangerous threat."

"Its ok," Zima said smiling. "Everything is fine and Aki is having some time alone with his sister."

Shin blew out, "Well that's a relief." And him and Shea walked back and sat near the tea table.

"Umm HELLO!?" Hino yelled. "I was that one Ren was threatening is no one gonna ask me if I'm ok!"

Shea rolled her eyes, "Oh hush up, your fine."

Hino glared at her, "HEY! I'm still the emperor in hand so you can't talk to me like that."

"Well, actually you can still be tried for treason with the way you and Kaito left off so, I don't really have to give you the utmost respect," Shea said while taking a sip of tea. 

Hino balled up his fist, with an angry face. He sat down next to Zima and had his back faced against Shin, and Shea. 

It was dead quiet, and Zima felt an uncomfortable silence. 

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