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The boat finally parked, as the men tied the anchor to land. Zima had finally reached Japan, the land of many different villages and many emperors, filled with strong ninjas and samurai. Zima was happy to be here but not happy to be marrying someone that she never even met yet. Zima was originally from a small village in Africa, there were not that many ninjas there, so this was a strange new place for her.

Japan was full of ninjas and samurai and she was going to one of the villages with the strongest of the strongest. Exciting but terrifying at the same time. She was gonna be the first foreigner to ever be married to a Japanese emperor. Japan was separated by 15 different villages, which meant there were 15 different emperors and empresses. But each village competes with each other to be on the list of the top 5 great villages of Japan. The top five great nation were the villages of Grace, Fire, Passion, Clouds, and Gold. These five villages had Japans strongest ninjas and samurai. Zima was going to the Village Of Grace and was going to be marrying their new emperor Aki.

The former emperor, Aki's father died recently and meant that Aki was given the title of emperor. Aki is quite young but has proven to be mature and has been a pretty good emperor for the last couple months. But this arranged marriage happened because Aki is a complicated man. He refused every Japanese woman and felt that if he had a foreigner to be his wife, it would benefit his village and bring more allies. Once Zima's father heard the news he immediately went to the king of their village and ask him to sell Zima to Japan. Zima was never apart of royalty and was just a regular girl in an African village, her family was poor and always had a hard time making ends meet. But once the news came out Zima's father saw this as an opportunity to make money, Zima beg him for days to not send her away, but he could care less. Zima's mother cried for days, had countless days arguing with her husband, but once she heard how much money they were going to get she gave in. They sent Zima to the king of their village and the King thought she would be perfect, The King later sent news to The Village of Grace in Japan. After a few days waiting for approval to see if they chose her or a different girl, the news came in. Zima was chosen, she didn't understand out of all the girls, why she was chosen. Zima had lost, she was going to Japan, and marrying a stranger that some people fear.

And here she was. Alone with no one she knew, just some ninjas from the village of grace that were escorting her from Africa to Japan. Her parents chose to stay home, why would they come when they just were given such a huge amount of money. Zima was put in traditional Japanese clothing, she wore a beautiful purple kimono, and had her hair pinned up in a bun with flowers stuck in it. She had to get used to their culture know that she was gonna devote her life to the people of Japan. She was gonna be here for the rest of her life and was not gonna be going anywhere else any time soon.

As Zima look down from the sea, she heard someone call her name and turned around.

"Um Lady Zima we arrived and the emperor and his council are waiting on land for you." That was Shea, a female ninja which is known as kunoichi in Japan, she was helping to escort Zima from Africa to Japan. And that was the first time Zima was called lady, which is something else she had to get used to.

"Oh, um......, thank you, let's go I guess." Zima scratched her head, she was insanely nervous. This was it, she was finally gonna meet who she was gonna end up married to for life. He could be very old and ugly, or could even be a child. Zima breathed in and went to the part of the boat where she had to walk off. She had Shea behind her, and as she started to go down she saw a crowd of people waving up, cheering and smiling at her. It was the citizens, and they spent a whole night her waiting for arrival. Zima was in shock and did not even know what she should do, she stopped mid-way walking and did a small wave to the crowd, her face was filled with shock. The crowd started yelling and cheering even more once they saw her wave.

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