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"Lord Aki!" shouted one of the ninja soldiers that watched and protected the main doors, of entering the Emperor's home. The ninja stood in the hallway waiting for the Emperor to respond, a door opened in the hallway and out came Lord Aki. He was wearing a black men's kimono, and his silky hair was in a ponytail. His hair was quite long and ran past his shoulders, and stop halfway on his back. His eyes were tired, but his face was very serious.

"What is it." He asks his tone was filled with annoyance but was firm.

The ninja straighten his posture, he was intimidated by Lord Aki, but at the same time who wasn't?

"You're soon to be wife is outside the main door," The ninja was careful not to stutter any of his words. "She is with Master Shin, the master of economics."

Aki's face stayed emotionless, "Let them in I will meet them in the tea room in five minutes."

"Yes my lord" The ninja bowed and turned around.

"Wait!" shouted Aki, his back was facing the ninja. The ninja turned his head back and stared at the emperor's back and the pattern on the back of his kimono.

"Yes, Lord Aki."

"Where does she come from," Aki asked

"She's black, dark-skinned, probably from an African village or town." 

"Hmmh, interesting," Aki said as he walked away, opened a door in the hallway and disappeared. The ninja scratch his head, the emperor was strange at times. The ninja opened the door and step outside. He looked around and saw Lady Zima and Master Shin, standing just a few inches away from the steps that led to the porch of the house.

The ninja bowed first, "Lord Aki said for you to come in, he will meet you in the tea room in five minutes."

Zima and Shin nodded, as Zima walked up the step and saw a hand covered in black cloth stick out, it was one of the ninjas. His face was completely covered and the only thing she saw was his eyes, the rest of his body was completely covered.

"Let me help you Lady Zima." The ninja in all black clothing said.

"No it's fin-" The ninja cut her off.

"You are gonna be our new Empress, my lady no need to be so formal, that is my job." Zima hesitantly took his hand and walk up the stairs with him. Zima suddenly felt something tug on the back of her kimono and turned around. Shea was holding her the train that formed from her long kimono.

"Shea-san you don't ha-" Shea cut her off and smiled at Zima.

"Lady Zima you don't have to call me 'san', just Shea, and please your my Empress just let me help you." Zima nodded, turned around, swallowed, and walk up the steps again. She so used to doing things herself that it felt weird having everyone, do everything for her. When they reach the main doors, another ninja guarding the door, completely covered in black clothing, only showing his eyes, opened the door for main doors for them. Slowly entering the home, Zima let go of the ninja's hand and walk inside. She stood in the foyer looking around at the Japanese architecture. The ninja put his hand on her shoulder and motioned her towards a door. They walk towards it and he slid the door open.

"This is the tea room, Lady Zima." said the ninja. He then motion Shea, Zima, and Shin in the room slide the door closed and left the three of them alone in there. Shea and Shin immediately sat down on the floor, in front of the table that was in the center of the room. They cross their legs and looked at Zima. Zima looked around the room and circled around the table. It was such a luxurious home.

"You should sit Lady Zima," said Shin. Zima nodded and sat beside Shea. Zima started to play with her fingers but then Shea places her hand on Zima's wrist, causing Zima to look up at Shea.

Shea smiled, "You don't have to be so nervous, we will protect you, don't worry Lord Aki is not a monster." Zima smiled back weakly.

"Thank you," Zima replied, she looked at the table, it had a deer engraved on it.

Zima turned to Shea, "How come those ninjas outside have clothing all over them that cover's their body, and hide their face, and you don't." Zima was nervous about asking this question and did not want to disrespect Shea.

"They are mystery ninja, mystery ninjas are ninjas that cover all parts of their body except their eyes, they don't want anybody to know their identity. They strictly only follow and work for the emperor and go on the most dangerous missions. Only the emperor knows information about the mystery ninjas," Shea said. Zima bit her lip and turned her attention to the tea table. It was a comfortable but uncomfortable silent at the same time. That's when the door slide open and in came a woman dress in servant clothing, she was holding a tea tray, and it had a teapot with teacups inside. She was probably in her 60's. She walked gracefully towards their table and set the teapot down.

She didn't look at any one of them and just turned around. Before she reached the door she said,  "Lord Aki will be coming in just a minute." Then she exited the room.

Zima looked at Shea waiting for an explanation.

"That's Umi, she's from China and always work for Aki's family since she was a child. She doesn't talk much, just housekeeping work." Zima nodded and was about to ask for some tea when the door slides open again. Zima looks and saw a man wearing a black male kimono, and had his hair tied. He had a stern face and was probably in his early twenties, he was handsome but scary. Shin immediately stood up when he saw him. 

"Lord Aki!" he shouted than bowed. Shea did the same. Then everyone turned to Zima. Zima sat on the floor with a confused expression, and the realization came to her when she remembers Shin saying, Lord Aki. Zima stood up quickly and her face filled with embarrassment.

"Ummm.... Ahhhh ah ah ummm.." Zima stuttered while turning her head from Shea to Shin.

Shea saved her, "Lady Zima this is Lord Aki, he is the emperor of The Village of Grace." She takes Zima's hand and motioned her to Aki. Aki had an emotionless face the entire time. You could not tell if he hated Zima right now, or loved her.

Zima looks uncertain but walked to Aki. Aki bowed to her. Zima looked at Shea, Shea nodded her head and smiled. Then Zima turned back to Aki and bowed back.

"Let's have a walk outside, in the garden," Aki said. This was the first time Zima heard him speak, his voice was serious and stern, it was a little cold too.

Aki held out his arm suggesting for Zima to take it. Zima looks at Shea again. Shea nodded and smiled again. Aki was getting impatient with all of this uncertainty. Zima hesitantly took his arm, and he guided them towards the door to outside. Zima braced herself, she was gonna be alone with her soon to be husband for the first time.

. . .

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