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"Taehyung.." I groaned, shaking his arm to wake up. My eyes were half open as I just woke up from my sleep.

He groaned too and put the sheets over his head, ignoring my calls. It was the weekend and he wanted to sleep.

The reason why I'm awake at 5 in the morning is because I don't feel well. I have the worst headache and my stomach won't stop hurting either. And no, I'm not pregnant. Tae and I have been using protection until we're ready to actually have a baby.

However, my cycle hasn't been coming in regularly. If it did, it'd be longer than the days that I usually get it for and if it didn't, it wouldn't come for months. What's weird too is that every time tae and I would have sex, it sometimes hurt. But I never mentioned it because it's supposed to hurt sometimes if you're used to it, right?

"Taehyung," I cried out and this time he was wide awake, getting to my need.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me. His voice was deeper than it usually was and fuc-

"I don't feel good." I stated, ignoring my thoughts.

"Where does it hurt?"

"My stomach.. my head. Tae I haven't been getting my cycle normally. And.." I trailed off as he moved the remaining pieces of messy hair off my face.

"And what baby?"

"I feel- I feel pain whenever we have sex. Somethings wrong with me Taehyung."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier baby? I've been hurting yo-" ,, "No! No you haven't been hurting me at all. It's just a small sting!"

He sighed and rolled off the bed, going to the bathroom to get ready and such. We both did and then Left a note for Minseo and Jin as we quietly left the house and got into the car to drive to the hospital.

Once we reached the destination, Taehyung got out of the car, throwing his keys to a man and giving him a nod. I got out after and furrowed my brows. As I was about to ask Taehyung why he did that, he grabbed my hand and we walked together.

The front desk instantly stopped working and all the workers bowed to Taehyung. He just smiled and asked, "My girlfriend isn't feeling well. May we have a room."

"Yes, sir. Um, what is the symptoms?" One of the older ladies who worked there asked Taehyung.

"She hasn't been getting her cycle normally and when she does it lasts longer than it really should. Also, she feels pain during sex. Plus her stomach and head hurts." The lady jotted down the things and then nodded, giving us the room number.

We took the elevator and walked towards the room, opening the door to find a beautiful, young, girl sitting in a chair.

Once the door open she looked up and her eyes immediately sparkled as to where Tae was standing.

But once she saw me they vanished and her work mode came on.

"Mrs. Nae showed me the symptoms already. Please, have a seat."

We sat down and Tae held my hand, smiling at me. I guess this was a way to make me not nervous about what's wrong with me.

"Have you had any injuries lately, Miss Park?"

"Yes." It brought me back to the day where Layla hired her minions to attack me and kill my baby. I hated thinking about that day. It always killed me to think about it.

"What were they?" As I opened my mouth to talk, the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. Tears formed around my eyes. This would always be such a hard thing to talk about.

Taehyung noticed and squeezed my hand a little tighter. He looked at the doctor and spoke for me.

"I got her pregnant and she was walking somewhere one night when a group of people attacked her and.. killed our baby." The nurses eyes widened and she instantly felt bad.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." Taehyung said.

The nurse nodded and then looked over the symptoms once more. Sighing at what she thought was wrong with me.

"I won't tell you what's wrong yet because I'm not 100% sure. So we'll take some blood work and then once the results are out, I'll tell you." I nodded and then in came the people who were here to take my blood.

They took it and went out to their lab. It seemed like Taehyung and I waited for hours there. He didn't fall asleep, even though he wanted to Badly. He let me sleep on him, insisting it.

More hours passed and now it was almost 2 in the afternoon. Taehyung ended up falling asleep but then woke up once the door opened and the nurse came.

I woke up not long after and we both watched her expression. It wasn't a happy one.

"Just what I thought." She sighed. Throwing the clipboard with my results on her table. I began to worry. Am I going to die?

"What's wrong with her?" Taehyung asked. Quite worried himself.

"I don't know how to put this but.. that injury you mentioned? It killed your baby." Yes, we already know.

"I looked into the records of how deep your injury was. It seemed as if they covered it up in that hospital you were sent to be placed at."

"Covered up? What do you mean?" Biting her lip, the words didn't know how to process out of the doctors mouth.

"They- Well- They said it was just a couple bruises and all that but it really effected your body. Especially when you reproduce."

Taehyung knew where this was going and his hand that's been on mine for hours instantly dropped to the ground. His heart shattering.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered out. And when she spoke, I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore.

"You cannot have babies."

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