This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)

Start bij het begin

   "Were you in there the whole night?" He practically yells, and I can feel my wolf getting angry at the way he is talking to us again.

   "No. I slept in my room last night." I reply sarcastically, already sick of this stupid conversation.

   "Don't lie to me Jess. I know where you slept." He practically growls at me, and that just pisses me off more. Will this boy never learn that pissing a girl off is a bad thing, especially when it comes to me?

   "Don't tell me what to do! And if you already knew the answer, why the hell did you ask?! Seriously, that is a little fucked up!" I can't help but scream at him as my anger rises.

    "Shut up! It's you that can't talk to me like that! Get your stupid head on straight and think about that the next time you choose to yell at me!" Oh no he didn't.

   "Who the fuck died and made you king?! You have no right to talk to me like that. I can get you killed just for raising your voice in the slightest at me. Think about that next time." I glare at him and turn on my heel to leave the room. He doesn't stop because he is just staring at me in shock because of what I just said to him. I look over my shoulder, and make my little announcement, "Oh, and by the way, we are soooo through. Goodbye Chance." I look him straight in the eyes as I turn around again and walk out through the door. Leaving him standing in his room in shock; well this day didn't go as well as I was planning.

   I make my way down the stairs, and look around to see if Erin ever made her way out of her room. I find her sitting on the couch, attempting to watch tv while Beck kisses her. Eww, if there is anything I hate almost as much as annoying bastards like Chance, it is people getting all lovey dovey out in public.

   I clear my face and then glare at then and they unwillingly pull away. Erin looks over and frowns when she sees how angry I am. If it was possible, I think I would have fire coming out of my mouth like a dragon, but noo, all I get are eyes that I know are pitch black.

   When Erin hesitates to get up, I can't stop my self from saying something, "Are you coming or not?" I practically scream at her and she flinches. Beck on the other hand, looks like he is about to get up and kill me. If only he was capable of that. Erin looks into his eyes, and mumbles a quiet 'it's ok' before looking back at me.

   "Okay, I'm ready to go."

   "Finally." I grumble before turning and leading the way out of this place which I am now caling my living hell since I don't want to leave Erin quite yet.

   Once outside, I shift quickly, but while also taking the time to make sure I don't become my white alter-ego alpha wolf. That would not be good at all, and Erin would discover my secret for real. I don't know if she suspects something, but she hasn't mentioned it at all, so I would like to think that I am safe, for now. I look over my shoulder, taking in my all black pelt, before looking at Erin who looks like she could be my exact twin.

   It's kind of funny how we are the exact same color, but I am not going to laugh at it. It's cool to be unique and different, but with Erin, I still feel that way. Probably because of the giant secret that I am keeping. I would love to be able to be white all of the time while around Erin, but that is not my true wolf, so it is harder for me to stay in that form. Plus Erin knows what I truly look like, so I wouldn't be fooling anyone. Damn.

  I point towards the woods with my nose, and Erin nods her head. Once I get confirmation that she is coming along, I take off like a bullet out of a gun, just stretching my legs. Erin uses her amazing speed and quickly catches up, matching my speed. As long as she doesn't go ahead of me, I am fine.

   We get far enough away from civilization that all we smell is the world around us. It isn't even disturbed by Chance's puke worthy scent, thank God. I slow down my pace, and Erin follows my lead. Once we reach the small clearing I was heading towards, I stop running, and just walk around aimlessly. Since I am a very lazy person, I decide to just lay down and take a nap to try and get rid of some of my anger.

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