On the Run From My BFF

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   We ran for what felt like forever until finally slowing. Once we came close enough to a stop, I fell over, gasping for breath. I was suddenly thankful that Erin had reminded me to bring a change of clothes, or else I would have forgotten.

   I slowly got up and made my way behind the nearest tree. Once behind, I quickly changed back to human form and got dressed. As I walked back into the little clearing that we had found, I saw Erin already in human form.

   "That run was so tiring!" I yelled, making her laugh at my laziness.

   "It was only about four miles. I bet you have run more than that in one day before.," she smirked, knowing that she was winning this fight.

   "I have run more than that before, yes, but I have not run that fast and that long in a while. I'm surprised I could even keep up with you. I usually would jog two or three miles, then walk one. I rarely needed to actually run from one place to another."

   "Really? If I were you, I would have been scared to death the whole time, and still now. I wouldn't have stopped running until I was almost on the other side of the earth!" Wow, this girl really knows what she would do if the same thing happened to her, I hope it never does.

   "Yeah, I don't feel the need to keep running and wasting my energy. I am able to know when I am far enough away to be safe, or when I need to run. I would rather only run when that was absolutely neccessary, not just to put more distance in between me and my hunter. Sometimes, distance isn't the most important thing."

   "Just hearing you talk about all of this has me a little spooked out. What do you mean by, 'I am able to know when I am far enough away to be safe, or when I need to run'?"

   "Oh, that. Umm... I am just able to run from unwanted targets, and stay away, without being found." I'm not sure if that is the way to describe it, or even what to call it. I just know that Erin will be the first person that I have ever said any of this to.

   "Really? How so? I have never heard of a Were being able to do any of this before. It's very interesting. Do you mind showing me?" Of course I knew that this question was coming after I opened my big mouth, but I wasn't looking forward to seeing Erin as the enemy, and evading her.

   "I don't know how I can do it, and I don't know if anyone has ever really done anything similar to what I do. I guess I can show you, just don't be offended when you can't find me."

   "Don't worry, I won't be!" She said, her voice filled with happiness as she backed up into the woods. "I will go back to the pack house for two minutes, if that is enough time for you."

   "Yes, that is plenty. After those two minutes, I want you to come back out to this clearing and begin your search. Do not give up until I come and find you, which I will probably do after about one or two hours."

   "I doubt that I will need two hours -let alone one- to find you. I have my own little skill."

   "Okay, fine. Just don't give up until we find eachother. The whole entire woods is fair play, so go back to the pack house and begin counting." I shoved her in the right direction. Once she was out of hearing range, I began my usual rituall that has allowed for me to go unfound for the past year.

   I have no doubt in my abilities, but hearing Erin say that she has a gift has me a little freaked out. What if she finds me, and thinks that it was stupid of me to try and hide? What if she thinks that I lied to her?

   'No' my wolf says, knowing that no one will ever find us if we don't want to be found.

   To begin, I breath in my scent, letting it take over my senses. Once I have done that, I take in the forest, allowing it to be the only thing I'm smelling. I listen, taking in the sounds of animals, and the creek off to the side. I focus mainly on the smell, and begin to imagine that being the only thing able to be smelt.

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