Chapter 24- How Time Has Flown By

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Mr. Dalton goes and grabs a chair from another table, then pulls it up to our table, and sits down. 

"Classy, huh? The pajamas, I mean" he says.

"We are young, and in love. Love makes you do crazy things" Jake says, then gazes at me, with the same exact gaze he gave me the first time he came over.

"You two make a gorgeous couple, reminds me of you and your mom" he replies. 

"Cut the crap, Marcus" Jake snaps.

"What is your problem?" Mr. Dalton asks. 

"You. You are my problem. Ever since you left us, my family, our life has been HORRIBLE. You ruined us! You ruined the family, the people YOU were suppose to love most, but, instead, you took off, because you couldn't have one more baby. Whose life you would have RUINED! I wake up every single day, and I remember how you would yell at me for not being good enough, and that I was worthless, and that I was reckless, and that I would ruin every thing, and you said the exact same things to Cameron! You told us to go die, and that if we didn't, you'd kill us! One time you even almost killed my mom because she couldn't hold onto a baby, which wasn't her fault! Maybe it was even YOURS!" Jake yells, then grabs my hand, and we leave.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Time flew by quickly,  and before I knew it, it was Jake's birthday, then mine, then his party, then my party, and now it's three weeks till Prom. 

How time has flown by quickly.

Sorry for the short chapter D:

Wow, the book is almost over.

Any who, thanks for reading!


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