Chapter 12- A Month Without Jake

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A week without Jake, kills my heart. I try to call and text him, but he won't answer, or reply to my texts. 

A month without Jake, brings me to the point of almost dying.

This Friday, Jen is having a little birthday party, of course I am invited. Part of me doesn't want to go, and just wants me to watch weird movies where a women gives birth is always in it, with Lana. She is freaking a bit about the baby, I mean, babies.

She's about 6 months pregnant now, and Lana seems to look more and more pregnant every single day. 

It might sound weird, but I've had enough of not seeing Jake, and today, before the party, I'm going to his house. 


I drive to his house an hour before the party starts. My palms become sweaty once I get out of the car, and walk up to his door.

"Lea" Mrs. Dalton says, hugging me way too tight.

"H-hi, is Jake home?" I ask, almost suffocating at the same time.

"Yes, yes, he's doing homework, come in" she answers, and then let's go of me.

I walk in, and smell Fish and Chips, the same thing she made when I stayed here.

"Jake is in his room, feel free to go up. Also, would you like to eat with us? We will be eating in about fifteen minutes to a half hour" Mrs. Dalton asks.

"Thanks, and I can't tonight, I'm going to a birthday party" I answer, and then go on up the stairs.

I knock at the door.

"Come in" Jake's says, his voice sounding husky.

"Jake" I look at him, he turns around from his laptop, and looks at me. We exchange our gaze of love, and that's when I know, it'll all be okay, at least, I thought.

"Lea, w-what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I came to see you, I feel awful, lonely, and I miss you so much" I answer, taking a step closer to him. 

Jake gets up from his chair, and walks over to me. I stand on my tip toes so we are eye to eye.

"You think coming here changes everything?" Jake looks away for a second, and then looks back.

"Not necessarily, but I think it's a good start to trying to change back to the thing ways were. I love you, Jake" I gaze at him, feeling so much hope.

"Lea, you don't understand how you have made me feel. You put me through the devil's world because of that break up. I cried myself to sleep a couple nights, wishing that I could see you, and hold you in my arms. Then, you called me, and I thought it was a joke, to tease me, so, I didn't answer. You kept calling, and I kept denying, you sent me so many texts, I knew that you wanted us back together, and I knew that in some time you'd be over here, begging for me, but Lea, it just doesn't work between us. I'm a bad boy, I like chasing from girl to girl, not getting caught up with just one. Lea, you, you want someone to settle down with. My brother acted like a bad boy to hide his feelings for Lana, I'm not acting. Truth is, we're related. Your sister and my brother are married, they're having a baby together! Lea, it'd be illegal" Jake explains.

"Actually, I researched it, it's legal, and Jake, if you want me to never talk to you again, I understand, but, first, tell me you are not in love with me, and look at me in the eyes when you say it" I reply.

"I think you should go" Jake mutters, looking down at the ground.

"Fine, but I'll be back" I say, turning around.

"Lea?" Jake replies, before I walk out of the door.

"Hmm?" I ask, turning around in the doorway.

"I'd love for us to be together, believe me, but, I think I need a little time, and space, to think about it" Jake answers.

I don't answer, I just walk out the door, beginning to sob.

I go downstairs, Mrs. Dalton looks at me, and sees my tears.

"Aw, sweetie, what's wrong?" She asks, hugging me.

"I love and miss Jake and all he wants is stupid time" I cry.

"Lea, why don't you come back next Saturday for dinner, bring Lana and Cameron as well" Mrs. Dalton says.

"Okay" I reply, wiping my eyes. Then, I say goodbye, and thank you, and then, go on my way to Jen's Birthday Bash.


I get there a little late. The party started at 6, but I got there at 6:30 since I talked to Lana about dinner next weekend, of course, she said yes, but she also then told me to call the Dalton's and let her know we'd be a bit late since we were shopping for more maternity clothes for Lana. 

"Lea!" Jen says, walking towards me when I get out of the car. She wears a tight, ocean blue mini dress and black flats.

"Hi" I say, stepping out, and then realizing I'm not as dressed up as everyone else. All I have on is a silk, flower top with dark blue, cropped, denim jeans and black vans.

"Alright who is ready to party?" Jen asks, everyone gathering around us.

Dinner at your ex's house.. wow.. nice thing to plan

Jen's party is going to be fun to write, you are going to like the next chapter :3

Well, thanks for reading :D

Also, check out my new story, Different


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