Chapter 13- Some Girls are so Emotional

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We all run inside to Jen's room and I finally get a look at who all is here.

Grace Millay- An anorexic friend of Jen and mine. Well, actually, she's not anorexic anymore. She's short and blonde, that's pretty much it.

Nina Haler- Super athletic friend of Jen's, they play soccer together, along with me, but I haven't played soccer lately, and I missed try outs. Nina is like super tall, taller than Jen even, and stick skinny with her dark skin and black curls.

Jasmine Ola- Looks a lot like Nina, except not as skinny or tall. She does Jazz Band and Musical Theater. Only problem with her is, she's a gossip girl.

"So, my parents and sister are out of town ALL WEEKEND! Which means, we can party!" Jen says, pulling out a couple bottles of champagne under her bed.

"Jen, is this a good idea?" I ask.

"Don't be a party pooper! Now drink up, we are starting with truth or dare!" Jen gets all excited, and tosses everyone a red solo cup to pour some champagne in. 

Everyone sits in a circle anxiously on Jen's bed. 

"I'll start, Gracie, truth or dare?" Jen looks at Grace.

"Hmm, truth" Grace looks confident.

"Have you ever drank before? You seem to not have by how you have not taken a sip of the champagne" Jen laughs, and everyone does with her. 

"N-no, I haven't" Grace looks upset.

"Jen, be nice" I look over at Grace, and she smiles.

Jen gives me a shut-up look, and then we continue.

"Jazzy, would you like to tell a truth, or pick a dare?" Grace asks.

"Hmm, I am feeling like picking a dare" Jasmine answers.

"I dare you, to call Jake, and ask him out" Grace dares.

Jasmine looks at me.

"Can I have his number?" Jasmine asks.

I'm about to say no, when Jen butts in.

"Here, I have it" Jen passes Jasmine her phone, with Jake's contact on the screen.

"Put it on speaker" Nina laughs, after Jasmine calls it.

"Hello?" I hear Jake say. My mouth goes dry after hearing his voice.

"Hey, Jake, it's Jasmine, you remember me?" Jasmine holds back a laugh, looking like she is going to die.

"Yes, I do, big butt, what do you need?" Jake snaps.

"RUDE!" Jasmine yells, and then hangs up. 

She starts crying.

"Aw, he's a butt" Jen comforts.

Wow, some girls are so emotional.

We keep drinking, well, they do, and I watch them. 

By about midnight, we have played all sorts of party games, and done some dancing. Well, their dancing involves twerking so I sat out. Mostly all I did was watch everyone, and how stupid they were acting. I knew that if I drank, I'd end up spilling everything with Jake, so, that's part of the reason why I didn't.


In the morning, everyone was groaning and moaning about their terrible hangovers. I left early, like right when I woke up, I ate, and quickly got ready to go.



Before dinner at the Dalton's, Lana and I go shop for some maternity clothes for her. All the clothes they have look like sweats, and I think Lana should look happy and proud to be pregnant, not lazy. My opinions go from "eh okay" to "you look even more pregnant" to "what are you having? QUADRUPLETS?" Eventually, we find some stuff that's cheap, and even a dress for dinner tonight. 

Lana wears a comfy looking, burgundy dress, while I wear a lacy white dress and black leggings. Cameron wears a black tuxedo. We arrive a bit early, and after Cameron knocks, we stand there. 

Mrs. Dalton opens the door, and begins hugging everyone, I see Jake standing in the distance, making me take a deep breath.

It's going to be a long night.

Jen isn't being too nice,

Jake isn't giving Lea a chance,

Everybody 'isn't' doing something.

What's going to happen at the dinner? Will Jake and Lea get back together soon? Or ever?

You'll just have to wait and see :D


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