Chapter 1- we aren't going to Prom or anything

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The place I always feel smart, and at home.

Today is the first day of my junior year at Candor High. I slide on a white, lace shirt over my white cami. After I pull up my rosy pink skirt, I shove my feet into gold flats. Then, I go downstairs where i'm greeted by my overjoyed mother. 

"Honey! You look SO beautiful!" my mom squeals. 

"Oh, thanks" I mutter, rolling my eyes. I go grab a coconut water and a bagel.

"I can warm that up if you want, sweetie" my mom says.

"I'm good" I reply. Then, the bus honks.

"Bye" I say, kissing my mother's blush dusted cheek, and then I head out the door, with my white flowered and black book bag swung over my shoulder.

On the bus, I eat my breakfast as I sit with my best friend, Jen. We haven't seen each other in two weeks since she was on vacation, and well, Jen had a lot to tell me.

"So, this guy, totally gorgeous and all, came up to me and guess what he said" Jen asks.

"Your gorgeous lets go out?" I guess.

"No, he says excuse me babe, stop drooling over me" Jen says.

"That guy sucks" I reply.

"I know, so I move closer to him and then slap him. I SLAPPED him!" Jen excitedly says. 

Soon, we get to school, and hop off. I finally can see what Jen is wearing. She seems to be dressed a lot different. I would have expected her to wear a blue and white polo dress but I guess not. Jen is wearing a black crop top and high waisted, cherry red jeans that match her lipstick stained lips.

"How did your mom let you out of the house" I ask, confused. Her mom seemed like the person who would never let someone dress that way.

"Oh, well, when she found out the school did not have a dress code really then she's like, well, you are 16 now! Wear whatever! It was actually kind of scary" Jen says.

I laugh, and then we walk inside. Jen and I both rush to our homeroom, which is on the other side of the school. We walk in together, and then Jen says,

"follow me".

So, I do, I follow her. She leads me to this boy, a guy I just realized who they were.


The school's most popular bad boy. He probably got it from his brother, Cameron, who is totally like him. Cameron graduated last year and now is at college so I guess Jake took over and is looking exactly like him. Jake wears greyish dark blue jeans with a baby blue shirt and a pure black leather jacket on top. His reddish blonde hair is in  a buzz cut, unlike his brothers who was always in a pushed back, Justin Bieber kind of way. 

"Hey Jake, this is my friend Lea" Jen says, pointing to me.

"Hey Lea, I think I remember you from middle school. Weren't you the one with the short, brown poofy hair and glasses" he asks, causing Jen and him to laugh.

"No, that was Jen" I say.

They are dead silent.

"I'm kidding, but no, that wasn't me" I say. Jen sighs in relief, happy I said I was kidding because that was actually what she looked like. Her and I looked a lot alike, same brown colored hair, exact same sun-kissed skin, and almost exactly same blue eyes. The only difference was, now, Jen was a few inches taller than me.

"Well hey, I'm having a party this Friday, it's kind of an annual thing, my college brother will be there. You guys should come" Jake says.

"Yeah, sure, just text me the details" Jen says. We walk way and Jen blows him a kiss.

"What was that all about" I ask, as we sit down in the cold, wooden desks. 

"Well, when I was on vacation, he was right next door, and my parents somehow knew his, so we all hung out, and now, we are kinda close" she says, shrugging.


The week flew by quickly, each day was the same, get up, go to school, go to class, go home, homework, dinner, bed. I thought about Jake's party everyday, wondering whether I should really go or not. Now, it's Friday.

The school day has ended and Jen asks me

"what are you going to wear"?

"Hmm, something nice?" I say.

"I'm wearing ripped jean shorts and a multicolor, triangle patterned, sleeveless shirt" Jen says.

"Seriously" I say.

"Yeah, we aren't going to Prom or anything" Jen replies.

"Well then what am I going to wear" I ask.

"The party starts at 9pm, so can I come over at 8 to help you?" She asks me.

"Uh, I guess, wait, it starts at 9? When does it end?" I am just so confused.

"Yes, it starts at 9, and, since his mom is out of town, it never ends" Jen answers, as we walk onto the bus and sit down.

"What about his dad" I inquire.

"His dad, well, he left them when he was a few years old, that's all I know" Jen answered.

Before I can answer, it's our stop, so we get off. I go right to my house, and she goes left.

Five hours later, Jen is over, with clothes in her hands.

"What is that" I ask.

"Your outfit" she says, handing it to me.

I unfold the clothes. It's a pair of jean shorts and a black sleeveless shirt.

"My mom bought these for me and they're too small so you can have them" Jen says.

"Thanks? I guess" I reply. 

I change into the clothes and then put on black vans.

"Ready?" Jen asks.

"Ready" I reply.

"Maybe 'ready' will be our always" Jen jokes.

"Oh my GOSH! Stop fangirling over the Fault in our Stars!" I say, laughing my head. 

"Ha ha, let's go" she says. We walk out, and into Jen's car. 

"Where's your parents and sister" Jen asks.

"Oh, they went out for a family night. I'm still sleeping over at your place afterwards right?" I say.

"Yea" Jen replies. 

About twenty minutes later, we are there, we are at Josh's wooden, hidden cabin, and man, did this place look wild. 

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