Chapter 8- Are you kidding?

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Lana and I rush to our rooms and pack quickly, stuffing as many things into suitcases and duffel bags as we can. After about thirty minutes, my mom comes in and just nods, letting me know it's time to go.

Lana and I go outside, decide we better take separate cars, then drive to a park to sit, and think things through.

"So, I called Cameron as I was driving here" Lana says, as she begins to sit on the park bench.

"And?" I ask.

"We can move in" she answers, smiling.

"Okay, let's go" I reply, and then we hop up, back into our cars.


"Come in! Come in! Welcome Lana and Lee!" Mrs.Dalton says, as she opens the door.

"It's Lea, and thanks" I reply.

"Baby, what are you doing here?" Jake asks, coming down their wooden stairs, his hair wet, and his six pack showing.

I think I started drooling.

"We are moving in!" Lana says.

Then, Cameron comes down.

"Hey, babe" he says to Lana, lightly kissing her cheek.

"Ready to go house hunting?" Lana asks.

"Yea, Jake, Lea, want to come?" Cameron says.

"Sure" Jake and I say at the same time, and then grab hands.

"Let me get dressed first, though" Jake says.

Are you kidding?


We show up to the first house. It's a rusty red color on the outside.

"No, just no" Lana immediately says.

"Okay, next house" the squeaky-voiced Realtor, Carol says.

The next one is a light pink shade on the outside. It's one story tall, but I don't think Lana will care.

"I already said I want a BLUE HOUSE!" Lana angrily says.

"Okay.. sorry.. must have missed that..." Carol replies.

We go to a bunch of blue houses, but most of them are a problem for Lana. From, it smells bad, to, the ceiling is too low, to, I just don't like it. 

The last one though, I think both of them really like.

"This baby blue colored house is two stories with an unfinished basement. It's a great starter home with three bedrooms. Want to take a look inside?" Carol asks.

"How much is it?" Cameron replies.

"200k" Carol says.

"Baby, it's a little outside our price range, but we should take it!" Lana looks at Cameron, holding his hands, as she begs.

"Let's look inside first" Cameron replies.

We all go inside. The house is absolutely gorgeous with spacious rooms. After looking at the whole house, Cameron and Lana say at the same time

"We will take it!"

"Lea, you could live here, too! The third bedroom could be all yours until we maybe have another baby" Lana says, looking at me.

"Okay, thank you" I reply, and then hug Lana.


We get back to the house at about six pm. It smells amazing when we get inside.

"What's this" Lana asks Mrs. Dalton as we walk in.

"Oh, I thought I'd make a special treat for you, my famous Fish and Chips!" Mrs. Dalton answers.

"Mom, we've told you before, it's gross" Jake says, pinching his nose.

"Do you see how they treat me? Rude!" Mrs. Dalton says, looking at me.

I just laugh as we sit down and eat.

"That was good" I say, as I eat my last bite.

"Thank you, well I'm off to get a bikini wax!" Mrs. Dalton says.

"Mom, gross" Cameron says.

"It's also like 6:30" Jake adds.

"Well they're open till 8, so goodbye" she replies.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Dalton" I say.

"Please, call me Betty" then, she walks out the door.

"I'll clean this up if you guys want to figure out rooms?" Cameron asks.

"I have it figured out. You and I will sleep in your room, Jake will have his room, and then Lea get take the guest room. Is that okay?" Lana says.

"Perfect" Cameron replies, giving Lana a kiss.

"Oh my god, pg-13!!" Jake yells, with a chuckle.

"Go get your pajamas on, and I'll be in to tuck you in" Cameron says, trying to act like his mom.

"Okay mommy" Jake replies, and then takes my hand to show me the guest bedroom.

"You two are certainly good friends" I say, laughing.

"We like to joke around a lot" Jake explains.

"So, where's the guest bedroom?" I ask.

"Here" he answers, as we walk into it. The walls are nicely painted in a lavender color. The queen size bed has perfect white sheets and a white quilt decorated with different colored flowers.

"Thanks" I say.

"I'll go get your stuff. There's a bathroom connected on the left, it has a shower, sink, and toilet you can use" Jake replies.

I sit on the bed and look around. Baby pictures of Jake and Cameron cling on the wall, also, there's family pictures of all them, even their dad.

"Here" Jake says, giving me my suitcase, duffel bag, and toiletry bag. 

"What happened with your dad" I can't help but ask.

"He left when I was about six" Jake answers, sitting beside me.

"Why?" I question.

"My mom kept trying to get pregnant again and again, it was too much for him to suffer her always losing the baby" Jake says.

"Do you miss him?" I reply.

"A lot" Jake says, his eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry to ask so many questions. I-I'll just go to bed" I stutter out.

"It's okay, good night" Jake replies, kissing my forehead.

"I love you" I say, standing up to go get my pajamas for bed.

"I love you too" Jake responds, smiles at me, and then walks out the door. 

I know there isn't really a cliffhanger but hey! We still need to find out who that girl Jake cheated on Lea with, she might be a big deal. Also, what's going to happen with that baby drama? Also, with the new house?

You'll find out soon :)

Keep Reading, lovelies 


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