Chapter 7- Boo!

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I ditch school that day, it hurt too much to be there. So, once I left the school, I cried, and cried, in my car and listened to the song 'All by Myself'.  Eventually, I realized, I better get going if I was going to go somewhere, but right when I started up my car, someone popped in.

"Boo!" they scream.

It's Jake.

"God, Jake, leave me alone" I reply, trying to clean up my runny make up. 

I don't look over at Jake as he sits in my passenger seat.

"Nice car, my trucks a dump compared to this. I like the leather seats and the shiny silver color on the outside" Jake says.

"Oh my god, just get to the point of why you are here" I snap, and then look at him. For a second, we exchange that gaze of love, but then, I look away.

"I'm sorry, I just gave in" Jake mumbles.

"Gave in? To what?" I ask.

"Temptation" he answers.

"Temptation of what?" I say.

"Girls" he replies.

"I'm confused" I respond.

"I'm a bad bad man and I can't help myself sometimes" Jake says, and then I look at him as he rubs his hand through his buzz cut. 

"You are not a man, you are a scared little boy!" I yell, and then get out of the car, slamming it behind me. I jump into the pouring ran.

I begin to run away from the school, my car, and Jake, but then, infront of me he shows up. 

"I love you" Jake looks at me, but I look away. He moves his hand and cups my face so I am forced to look at him.

"I'm so sorry, please baby, forgive me?" Jake asks.

"How do I know you won't hurt me again" I reply.

"I promise, and I love you" Jake says, then he kisses me, and I fall under that spell once again.

"SORRY but I need you sis" I hear Lana yell with her shoes clacking against the wet parking lot.

"Yes?" I say, pulling away from Jake.

"I-I need you" Lana replies.

I whisper "sorry" into Jake's ear and then walk over to her.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"I have a doctor's appointment in like fifteen minutes and I need you to take me" Lana answers.

"Oh, okay, let's go" I reply.

We walk to my car and she hops in, then opens my door since I locked it when I slammed it. After almost fifteen minutes we are there.

We sprint in and Lana says "sorry I'm late".

A heart-shaped face girl with straight blonde hair and bangs says "Hi Lana, I'm doctor Carrie, come with me, and bring your friend".

"This is my sister, Lea" Lana replies as we follow Doctor Carrie.

"Hi" I mumble, feeling shy. 

We walk into a baby blue colored room with pictures of the female body and baby growth.

"So what's this? Your fourth visit?" Doctor Carrie asks.

"Yeah" Lana answers as she begins to go lay down on the paper covered cushion on top of the counter.

 "How's the husband?" she asks Lana.

"Husband?" I say, confused.

"Cameron and I eloped before I got into Harvard. That's why I didn't go to the lake house, I was on my honeymoon, and there's no malfucation at Harvard. I made it up to stay here so I could see Cameron. Both of us are trying to find a house" Lana explains.

Well that explains a lot.

"Oh and he's good" Lana adds. 

We find out that in two to four weeks, she will know what gender the baby is, and around then her baby bump will really begin to show. She also told me that Cameron knows about the baby, so does his mom, who is a really sweet lady.

After we leave, I take Lana out to brunch as a treat. Then, we go home to relax, my parents aren't usually home until after five, so we are safe.

"Ugh I think these clothes are killing me, I certainly need maternity clothes soon" Lana says, as we pop out of the car.

I smile, link arms with her, and then we walk inside to go watch some chick flicks.

"Lea? Lana?" I hear a voice that sounds like my mom say.

"Mom?" Both Lana and I reply as we see her.

"What's this?" She asks, anger in her eyes.

A bill for Doctor's appointments is in her hand, and a letter from Harvard confirming that she wants to drop out.

"Mom, I'm married, and pregnant" Lana says, smiling, but my mom doesn't look happy.

"Get out" my mom replies.

"What?" Lana and I say at the same time.

"Both of you, NOW" my mom says.

"Why me?" I ask.

"You ditched school AND you are still seeing that Jake kid! I looked at your phone when you left it here because a 'good morning, baby' text popped up from Jake!" She yells.

"Mama, let's talk about this" Lana says, putting her arm on my mom's shoulder.

"You have thirty minutes and then I never want to see you again" my mom replies, yelling louder than before.

Well, Lea and Lana's mom is angry... 

Do you like Lea and Jake back together? I know it was fast but... just wait.

Where will the girls go? What will happen with Lea's mom?

As always, thanks for reading :D


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