Chapter 2-Trashy girls around crazy boys is just a no-no for me

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The party wasn't my thing. Trashy girls around crazy boys is just a no-no for me.  Especially, when Jen started to do that kind of stuff, leaving me alone. 

 Girls in way-too-short shorts and thin crop tops are dancing with red solo cups in their hand on light brown wooden tables. Music blasts so loud, I'm covering my ears in search of a quieter spot. I eventually just end up outside.

The wind is cool, and outdoor lights are dim. The music is faded in the background, but other than that, it is completely silent. I look at the woods that are behind Jake's house. After beginning to walk towards them, a hand pats my shoulder.

"Girl you sooo hot" a boy says, his words being slurred together. I immediately recognize him as Jared, the boy who gets an almost perfect GPA every semester. 

"Hello, Jared" I say, flipping my  Alexandra Chando brown hair behind my shoulder.

"Lea, dance with ME" he says, using his vampire-pale arms to pull me closer to him.

"Jared, stop" I respond, pushing him off me.

"No, I love you!" Jared yells. I grab his hand.

"Here, come with me" I say, pulling him with me.

We walk inside, the music has turned from rock to slow, couples are dancing on the white carpet. 

"What are we doing" Jared asks.

"You are going to lay down on the red coach over there, okay?" I reply. 

"Fine" he complains, but goes over there.

I just laugh, and then walk over to Jen,

"What time is it?" I ask her.

"Hmm, oh shoot, it's 11, we should go" Jen says.

"Bye baby" Jake says.

"Baby?" I ask.

"We are kind of, dating" Jen says.

"What?" I say, a bit too loud. 

"Let's go" Jen says, pulling my arm.

"You drive" Jen says, throwing her keys to me once we get to the car.

"Why" I ask.

"I sorta drank a bit" Jen says, softly.

"God, Jen!" I say.

"Drive" she replies.

I turn the car on and we start to head home.

"So, what happened between Jake and you" I can't help but ask.

"Well, we started dancing, then he asked me out, and I said yes" Jen says.

"That's.. um.. great?" I reply.

"Yeah, he's so sweet" Jen says, a small smile drifts to her face.

"That's good, i'm happy for you" I say, looking over to Jen, and smiling. 

"Thanks" she replies, blushing.

We reach her house, and then get out of the car.

"Shoot, I forgot my bag at home" I say, slamming the door.

"It's fine, just borrow something of mine" Jen says.

"Thank you" I say. We lock arms and walk inside. 

"God, sis, I thought I told you to go through the back door" Jen's sister, Laura, says. Jen flips on the lights. There stands her twenty year old, blonde sister, with her dark skin, midnight black hair boyfriend. They are having a candle lit dinner.

"What's going on here" Jen asks. 

"it's our anniversary, we needed a quiet, peaceful dinner" Laura says. 

"Let's just go hang out in your room, sorry to bother you" I say, pulling Jen's arm.

"She was always my favorite" Laura whispers to Jen as we leave. 

Once, we are in Jen's room, I hop onto her white and black, polka dot blanket covered bed and stare at her rosy periwinkle walls filled with pictures of us, her family, and actually a couple of her and Josh. 

"So" I say.

"We could just go to bed, I mean, if you want" Jen says.

"Yeah, that'd be great, I'm really tired, I'll just text my mom good night, ok?" I say.

"Okay then" Jen replies, and then picks up her buzzing phone. 

"Hello? Oh, hey Jake" Jen says, excitedly,  into the phone, and then walks out of the room. 

I pick up my phone, and dial my mom's number. She picks up.

"Honey" my mom whispers.

"Hi, just wanted to say goodnight" I say.

"Good night, I love you" she replied.

"Love you too, mom" I say, and then hang up. I go to turn off my phone, but then, an unknown number calls me. 

"Hello?" I say.

"Lea, hi" someone says. It's Jared.

"Jared" I say, surprised, and shocked, that he has my number.

"Jen gave me your number before she left" Jared says. Well, that explains a lot.

"Oh, great" I say.

"I-I was h-hoping maybe uh-Friday we could g-go on a date" he asks.

"Um-sure" I answer.

"Good night" Jared replies.

"Good night" I say, and then hang up.

Then, Jen walks back in.

"You are so welcome!" Jen squeals.

"Well I'm going to bed" I say, yawning.

"Mind if I join you up there?" Jen asks.

"Well, since it's your bed fine" I say.

Jen plops up on the bed, and we soon fall asleep, at least, I do.

When I wake up, my phone is going off, but, it's not my normal ringtone, it's my emergency one.

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