Chapter 17- It's too late

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My phone beeped a couple times, waking me up. I groaned, and then grabbed it.

How much I would kill to be right there with you right now ~Jake<3

Get your lazy butt up and text me, I'm at the store ~Sis

Hey, want to hang out today? ~Jen

I texted Lana first, she seemed the angriest.

What? ~me

Cameron is still asleep, I think, but I left like a half hour ago, and I feel kind of sick, so can you pick me up, I don't feel like driving ~Sis

Okay, where are you? Are we still going to see dad today? ~me

I'm at the Cosco by Target, and yes, we need to leave be there in an hour ~Sis

Holy crap, it's 12? ~me

Yea, you sleep too much ~sis

Soooo funny, be there soon ~me

Okay, thanks, love you baby sis ~sis

No problem, and love you too ~me

I quickly get dressed by putting on a white, tight shirt that says "Go Candor Tigers", and some yoga shorts, even though it's probably like 60 degrees outside. After sloppily putting my hair up in a pony tail, and brushing my teeth, I get in my car, and drive to Cosco.

While I'm in the car, I call Jake.

"Hey" I say, once he picks up.

"Hi baby" he replies, creating butterflies in my stomach, I still feel nervous around him.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm just pulling my mom out of bed, and then making her breakfast, how about you?" He answers.

"That's sweet, and driving to Cosco to pick up Lana" I reply.

"Do you know if Cameron is up? I need to ask if got our mom's text" Jake asks.

"When I left, there was a note that said he was going to the gym, and then out to lunch with some friends" I answer, as I park my car in the lot in front of Cosco.

"Okay, thanks baby, want to come over today?" I put the car into parking mode, and slide out as he asks.

"Maybe, I'll get back to you" I look around for Lana, and then spot her wearing a sunset orange, loose shirt and some black sweat pants, her red hair in a messy bun.

"Okay, bye" I say the same thing to him, and then walk over to Lana.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"I just am so tired, I thought I could go get some stuff, but it made me feel sick" She answers, looking a little pale.

"Well, we can come get your car later, are you still up for going Dad's?" I put my arm around her, as I help her walk to my car.

"I feel a little funny, but not too bad" I help her get into the car when we reach it.

"I can always call him and tell him you don't feel well and we can reschedule" I walk over to the other side of the car and get in.

"No" she snaps.

"No need to be moody" I start up the car, and begin to get out.

"Sorry, I just feel bad that we should" Lana mumbles.

"It's okay, he will understand" I hug her with one arm.

"Okay, I'll text him and tell him we are both staying home, unless you want to go alone" she says.

"I should stay home with you" I say, smiling as I look over.

"Okay" she says.

"He loves us, don't feel bad, okay?" I reassure her, and look over for a second, but when I look back, a truck is going straight across us, and I begin to try and stop, but

it's too late.

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