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"Babydoll, what's wrong?" Taehyung asks, concern clearly laced within his voice. Jungkook didn't answer, more tears just pour from his eyes, flowing down his cheeks and dampening Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung runs his slender finger's through the boy's raven hair, patting his head every now and again, trying to calm his baby.

"Kookie," Hoseok says in calming tone, rubbing large, soothing circles on his back, "you okay?" He asks in a soft tone.

The whole group sat in anticipation, waiting for the small bunny to answer their onslaught of questions. Slowly, Jungkook's sobs turned in to small hiccups, "it's... It's just some issues..." Jungkook answers quietly, his voice also muffled my Taehyung's warm and comforting embrace.

"Babydoll, you're going to have to speak up," Taehyung whispers into his ear, softly pecking his ear lobe.

Jungkook sucks in a deep breath, turning to look at his group of friends, trying desperately to keep himself together. "It's just been... Been a hard week," Jungkook answers quietly, looking down, as he didn't know who to look at.

"Is... Is it because of your parents? Or something we did?" Seokjin asks, looking for any sort of tell within the small boy's eyes.

"My..." Jungkook trails off, a frown scrunches up his face, "I fucking hate them," he spits under his breath. "It's just my... Parents," Jungkook basically throws up at have to say that word, had the word been a tangible thing, and Jungkook would've thrown it off the cliff.

"What's been going on with them?" Namjoon asks, looking at Jungkook, and how small he was in this vulnerable state.

"They... They don't love me, nor want me. So... Yeah..." Jungkook trails off, struggling to find words to describe the way he feels.

Taehyung hugs the small child once again, letting him rest his head against his chest. "Are you scared they're going to do something?" Taehyung whispers quietly, trying to match the bunny's tone and state of mind.

"No... Apparently she quit that life, when she moved to Seoul. But I know that's bullshit. She's merely just buried her fucktard ways," Jungkook growls, the fire in his voice definite.

"What was she like before moving here? I feel like we know nothing about your past," Jimin asks innocently.

"Good. It's staying that way," Jungkook retorts quickly, raising his voice from his once quiet, soft tone.

"You don't have to tell us.. But it would help us understand," Jimin says calmly, studying the small boy's movements. Taehyung leans down to whisper something, inaudible to the rest of the group, into Jungkook's ear, before kissing his neck softly.

"I'll tell you... One day. But I don't like talking about it, it wasn't a very nice time... For anyone."

The other six boys nod, content with the answer given. Seokjin gives the small boy one last worried look, before turning back to smoking the juul he was smoking.


Jungkook lies down, in between Namjoon's legs, his back on the older male's chest, enjoying the warmth radiating from the other.

The boys had decided, that is was starting to become way too clod to stay up on that hill for much longer. So they all headed to Namjoon's basement, where they now sit around, talking, smoking and drinking.

"I swear to god, that hill was fucking freezing, who's idea was it to even go up there in the first place? I almost froze my dick off," Yoongi complains, wrapping himself up in a third blanket.

"Stop complaining and pass me the fucking weed," Jimin sighs, holding his hand out, waiting for the item requested. Yoongi looks Jimin dead in the eyes, holding the weed requested for in his hand, and takes a hit from it. "Little bitch! I bought that! Not you! Give it!" Jimin demands, scrambling from his seat, launching himself at Yoongi, in a feeble attempt to try and murder the boy.

"You kill him, you gotta clean up the blood," Namjoon sates, without giving it a second thought, as his attention is quickly brought back to the doe eyed boy, who's lips and pressed flush against his collar bones. Jungkook's hands wandering underneath his shirt, hugging his arms around his waist. "Jesus fuck, Kook! You're hands are like ice!" Namjoon shrieks, grabbing the boys arms and pulling them out from under his shirt.

Jungkook's giggle rings throughout the room, and evil yet so innocent snicker, "I know Hyung~, that's why I did it. Plus, I wanna warm them up."

"Better go stick them in the fucking oven or something, you as sure hell ain't hugging me with your fucking demon fingers."

Jungkook pouts, crossing his arms. Everyone in the room couldn't deny that, Jungkook looks very desirable at the moment. With his jeans, tightly hugging his thighs, and extra large shirt - which he had stolen from Hoseok's closet a few weeks back - only just hanging onto his small frame. He sits like a princess, back tall, looking down from Namjoon as he sits on his pelvis, even though everyone knows, that if Namjoon sat up, Jungkook would be in a less demanding position.

Namjoon smirks, knowing everyone is looking at his baby boy, but all Jungkook is looking at, is him. "Please Hyung~," Jungkook begs.

"Fine. Just this once," Namjoon caves. Jungkook smiles happily, showing off his bunny teeth, settling back down to where he was lying before. Namjoon rolls his eyes, but enjoys how Jungkook softly kisses his collar bones.

Jimin, who is still trying to attack Yoongi, even stops to watch how at the lucky position Namjoon is in at the moment. Before going back to trying to murder his friend, while Seokjin easily kept him from doing so.

And everything is nice.

For once.


I need like a sugar daddy or momma. I'm so fucking broke.

Seriously art supply is so expensive, I spent like $45 yesterday, for a pack of 6 Copic markers, a tinyy art book and two rubbers.




Twitter: Kooks_cream

Snapchat: Kookscream


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