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Taehyung scrambles up onto the top of the roof, just about ready to kill the little flirt. "Jungkook, I could've been caught!" Taehyung whisper-yells, not quite comfortable with yelling at the bunny, just in case his parents are still in ear shot.

"I knew you'd figure it out. Whiskey?" Jungkook offers, as if he hadn't just almost gotten his friend in a shit load of trouble.

"I think it's time we put the whiskey down," Taehyung says softly, grabbing the bottle from Jungkook, sitting it away from Jungkook.

"You right. This is more like a vodka occasion," Jungkook agrees, pulling a full, unopened bottle of vodka fro, behind himself.

"Jungkook, you're already drunk. I think you need to just drink some water and sleep it off," Taehyung suggests, rubbing circles on Jungkook's back.

"Boring, yuck. No. It's only 11 pm. The night has barely started yet. Come on. You got a car, let's go out and do something," Jungkook smirks, getting up, stretching.

"Jungkook I really don't think that's a good idea," Taehyung deadpans.

"Well I think your kill joy, come on. I'll sober up as we go along," Jungkook persuades.

"Fine, but only because your mother scared the shit out of me. And I don't feel like you should have to explain yourself, right now."

"Thanks, love you Hyung!" Jungkook swings around, starting to climb down the roof top.

"Don't make me regret this," Taehyung whispers under his breath.

The boys slide off the roof, the bottles of liquor in their hands. Jungkook drops to floor, flawlessly rolling on to the floor, to break his floor, as he had done it the many times before.

Taehyung, on the other hand, jumps down and lands awkwardly, almost spraining his ankle, dropping one the two bottles he was holding onto the grass, nearly breaking it.

"Graceful," Jungkook snickers.


The two boys sit on the hood of Taehyung's car. They're parked outside an abandoned twenty-four hour convenience store. The little store had gone out of business ages ago, it has become a place for drug dealers, street gangs, and the occasional mugging or hook up.

Right now, Jungkook sits in Taehyung's lap, deliciously sucking on his tongue. Jungkook's hands roam Taehyung's body, he can taste the stale flavour of weed and alcohol.

Taehyung pulls away after a good five minutes, "say Babydoll, why don't we invite the rest of the guys over here. We could start some shit, tag a few buildings. You know. Fun stuff," he suggests.

"Mhm, sure," Jungkook mumbles while kissing up and down Taehyung's neck, licking the bottom on his earlobe occasionally.

Taehyung pulls his phone out his back pocket, smirking at all the messages of the others texting him.

Taehyung thinks for a bit, and then decides to video call Seokjin. Having a plan brewing in his mind.

"Taehyung! What the hell? We thought you we're coming over hours ago!" Seokjin scolds, the moment he picks up. Taehyung can see everyone, all of them are sitting Namjoon's basement.

"Sorry Hyung, got a little... tied up..." Taehyung moves the phone, angling it so the camera now got full view of Jungkook, grinding and sucking on Taehyung's neck. Just like the greedy slut he is.

"Well, don't keep him all to yourself. Where are you?" Seokjin asks, smirking.

"I guess I'm near an abandoned twenty-four hour convenience store," Taehyung says, looking around, as if it is the first time he is seeing his surroundings.

"We'll be there in a few. COME ON LAZY ASSHOLES! GET UP!" Seokjin orders the boys behind him.

"See you, Hyung."

Taehyung hangs up. "Looks like pretty soon, we'll have some company," Taehyung smiles, trying to capture Jungkook's alluring eyes.

"Until then, you're mine," Jungkook says, smiling, showing off his bunny teeth, before capturing Taehyung's lips once again.


Jungkook is going at Taehyung's lips again, when a black ute pulls up, four boys jump out the back, and a single boy gets out the front.

Hoseok sees Jungkook and runs up to him, literally pulling him off Taehyung's lap. Hoseok flips Jungkook around, holding him by the waist, capturing the younger male's soft lips.

"Of course. It just had to happen," Jimin sighs, rolling his eyes. Hoseok pulls away from the, now whining bunny.

"Yeah, keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there," Hoseok insults, before immediately going back to kissing the bunny on his waist.

"Anyway, now that we're a full group again. Let's go fuck some shit up. Shall we?" Yoongi suggests, pulling a crowbar from the back of the ute.

"Why did you bring a crowbar?" Taehyung asks, sighing and shaking his head, hopping off the hood of his car.

"Because, I've heard of many goods being stored in this here by abandoned store here," Yoongi smirks, walking up to the glass. He pulls the crowbar back, before launching it into the glass.

The loud smashing noise is sure to alert anyone within a twenty-five meter radius.

"So stealthy," Namjoon comments, snatching the crowbar from the boy, who wishes more than anything to just wreak havoc upon everything.

"It's open now, might as well go check it out," Yoongi snorts; the glass crunches under his shoes.

"Oi, love birds, come on, we're going in," Taehyung informs. Jungkook jumps off Hoseok, happily skipping over to the opening into the old store.

The inside is damp, and it has a moldy, pungent smell to it. The store opens up into a big, gaping black hole of possibilities. A single rat scurries across Jungkook's shoe, leaving the boy disgusted, but he ventures forward nonetheless.

"Does anyone have a flashlight?" Jungkook asks everyone behind him. They all shake their heads. "Phones it is."

They walk forward into the darkness.




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