Chapter 5: Family Gatherings

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Lucky for Andrea, and Erick, the conversations finally simmered down over the last months. Though, Andrea's mother got word of the suspension that Andrea got. This meant grounding for the last month. It was a miserable time of heading to school and coming straight home. Fortunately for her, she was able to spend some time with Michael on the bus ride home.

They'd watch hilarious YouTube videos that ranged from silly cats to Shane Dawson conspiracy theories. Andrea didn't deny or ignore the fact that the last time they had a close encounter, she kissed his cheek. She wanted to kiss him on the lips. However, after being called a hoe for the entire school to hear and her heart being broken, she wanted to make sure this was right for her.

Even though, it wasn't ignored, Andrea and Michael didn't really talk much about it. In fact, they didn't bring it up at all. She did talk about it with Kat who heard about it from Kenny. Kat thinks it is dumb that Andrea isn't fully involved with Michael yet. That's easy for Kat to think, considering her fully being involved with Kenny. They hit it off over the month. They haven't made it official yet. However, they have been going to the movies and hanging out a lot.

Now that Andrea's punishment ended, she was happy that the holidays were beginning. All that school and boring home life, she got to celebrate her freedom with Thanksgiving trips to Kat's. This year, she was invited to Kenny's place where Michael often went. The half day of school ended with everyone piling out and rushing to their bus.  Andrea followed Kat to her bus, the tradition was spending the night at her house, get dressed up, go to church in the morning with her family, and help with cooking for the next four hours before being able to sit down and eat.  Her Thanksgiving dinner always came earlier than the one she would have at home with her own family.  This year, they would head over to Kenny's place where Michael would be.  Andrea's family was visiting Florida, so, it didn't take much convincing with her mother to spend the rest of the day there. 


Kat and Andrea woke up early the next morning.  They had stayed up a good portion of the night to prepare their hair.  Andrea put curling rods in hers with her bonnet to make sure it would come out perfect the next day.  Kat braided hers with her own cap to preserve them.  Considering they'd be going to church, they wanted to make sure everything looked perfect.  They'd be taking selfies all day, afterall.  Andrea went light with her make-up for the sake of church and being around family.  Wearing a maroon colored turtleneck, long sleeve dress that stopped at her knees. Kat went with a more bold make-up look (Cut creases, glitter, winged liner, and a bold red lip) with a white mid-sleeve cable knit sweater and a high wasted red skirt that flared out and ran just above her knees. 

They headed downstairs to meet with Kat's mother-Della, her Vovo Eneida (grandma), several aunts and uncles, and even more cousins.  Everyone looked their Sunday best as they piled into two large rented buses to accommodate Kat's family.  This wasn't all of them either! Church was filled with prayer, gratitude, goal-setting, and full of songs.  Everyone was tired by the time they got back to Kat's place.  Andrea was ready to see Michael already. 


Michael and Kenny woke up around mid-day to the smell of turkey.  The fellas had stayed up most of the night reading comic books, playing video games, and talking about "their" girls.  Thanksgiving at Kenny's wasn't a typical day. They didn't attend church, they weren't forced to wear special clothing, and they didn't have to wake up insanely early.  Kenny's grandmother, Phyllis, did half the cooking across the way at her house and half of it in Kenny's kitchen.  When everything was completed, they'd all help carry everything over to Kenny's house to dig in.  Kenny's family wasn't all that big on Thanksgiving.  His mother and father, grandmother, aunt and uncle, and two cousins would attend.  Michael's mother usually would work on Thanksgiving, thus, it has always been a tradition of his to spend it there.  He was as much part of the family as anyone else. 

Though, they rarely dressed up for Thanksgiving, today was different.  Andrea and Kat would be over around five, they wanted to look their best.  Michael wore dark blue jeans, brown fancy looking shoes, a white collar shirt with a blue sweater over the top.  Meanwhile, Kenny wore a button down, sweater, and a tie, with some khaki slacks and fancy shoes.  Michael didn't really own anything formal, but, he was glad because he wanted to be comfortable too. 

They spent most of the day in the room doing what they did the night before. Up until it was time to help Grandma Phyllis (Michael called her that too) with carrying the food over.  It all smelled like heaven.  They ate mostly over silence as everyone enjoyed their first few awaited bites of food.

"This is really amazing Grandma Phyllis," Michael said as he cleared his plate.

She smiled and lovingly grasped his hand, "Thank you Michael! You can take some home too, there is plenty!"

It wasn't until everyone began to head home and only a few cousins were lingering after dessert that there was a knock at the door. Kenny's father came to the living room to let the boys know their guests have arrived. Right behind him, there they were. Andrea and Kat.

Kenny cheered excitedly as he smoothly strutted over towards Kat to comment on how she looked. Andrea sweetly and slowly walked towards Michael with a bright smile on her face.

"Are you hungry? Maybe dessert?" Michael asked as he took in what she wore. She looked unbelievably gorgeous.
"Oh no! I'm so stuffed! I can't imagine another bite of anything"

Kenny nodded at Michael to let him know they should head up to his room as he noticed his dad getting comfortable in his recliner. Which typically consisted of the itis nap.

They tiptoed up the stairs and Michael closed the door behind them as Kenny pulled a wine bottle out from under his bed.

"I snagged this a few weeks ago just for today. It's something Michael and I do on holidays so we can celebrate after the celebrating"

The girls looked at each other with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The four took turns taking swigs of the wine. Kat ended up at one end of the room with Kenny at his desk. He was showing her his collection of video games. She actually seemed interested. Michael and Andrea were sitting on the edge of the bed together and they were just staring out of the window.

Michael broke the silence as he turned to look at Andrea, "On a night like tonight, I would want nothing more than to share it with you."
Andrea looked at her hands as she grabbed hold of Michael's. She was blushing to herself as she took in what he said. Andrea began to lean forward to meet Michael halfway for their very first kiss. Except, in that moment, Kenny's dad opened the door, startling everyone and forcing a distance between Michael and Andrea, "Kenny! You know you're supposed to keep the door open when you have certain guests over."

He walked away shaking his head. It ruined the moment enough that Andrea didn't even want to try again. She felt it had to be a sign that it just wasn't the right thing for her to do.

The girls excused themselves as Kat's aunt arrived to pick them up. They both hugged the guys and told them good night.

After the Thanksgiving season, they went on like nothing really happened. They had their mid-terms. Michael and Andrea barely spoke. Michael didn't fully understand why, though, he respected her enough to offer her space.

The Christmas holidays came and went and they didn't even see one another. It wasn't until New Years Eve came around that they both got invited to Kenny's place for the party. The best thing about this party, his parents would be out of town celebrating in New York.

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