Chapter 1: Summer at a Close

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The incoming Fall air breezes passed Michael Newton's thick and wispy black hair and into his room. Deep brown eyes peered into black binoculars as his tall stature forced him to crouch. He spent the end of his summer staking out at his window eyeing his crush, Andrea Smith. Andrea had this beautiful mocha skin tone, freckles across her face. Beautiful tight ringlets of mid-brown framed her face. She laid out on her front lawn with her slim and short (5'2) body sunbathing in a pink flowery tankini.

Michael had a crush on Andrea since the third grade when he moved to New Jersey. Going into Junior year of high school, she still never really looked his way unless to say an occasional what's up?

The only time Michael had the ability to really bask in her beauty is if he did it secretly. Thus, the uber creepy stalker vibes Michael felt forced to act on.

Suddenly, a knock at the door startled Michael dropping his binoculars under his computer desk.

"One moment, please!"

Scattering to lay on his bed, Michael picked up his favorite Drone Wars comic book.

"Okay, come in!"
The door slowly opened and Michael's Mom peered inside.

"Are you decent, sweetie?" Lisa kept her eyes covered.
"Yes, Mom" Michael rolled his eyes.

Lisa stepped inside and looked around before speaking again.

"What were you doing?"
Michael only gave silence when he lifted his comic book.
"Well, I have to work a double. Kenny is going to come over with Mr. Maw to trim your hair before tomorrow..."
Michael's Mom continued to ramble about where his school clothes would be, dinner being in the oven, making sure he'd set the alarm, and fifty million other things.

Michael didn't mind going to school with his hair this long. Good thing is, his best friend Kenny would be stopping by. Bad thing, Mr. Maw is not just Kenny's dad, but, our vice principal at Career Academy High School. He wasn't horrible, it was just odd to have someone with such authority in your house and cutting your hair for school.

"Are you listening to me?"
I began to nod when Lisa walked to the window and noticed Andrea outside.

Michael's heart fluttered like he was going to get caught. No way she'd realize he was creepily watching their neighbor when the binoculars were hidden under his desk.

"Andrea is outside, you know," Lisa teased.

Michael turned red, "Yes, I kn—, Mom, please!"
Lisa laughed as Michael just turned more red due to ratting on himself.

"I don't know why you don't just talk to the girl. She's right next store, you've known her since you were eight, and she's really a sweetheart."

"Ma! Can you be any louder?!" Michael rushed to the window to close it. As Michael went to close the window, it slammed harder than he anticipated. That's when Andrea sat up from her blanket and lowered her sunglasses to glance towards the house. Lisa gave a laugh and Michael felt red as an apple.

He stormed back to his bed, Lisa gave him a peck on his forehead before leaving to finish getting ready for her shift.


Although, Andrea's skin didn't need much of the sun, she decided she'd lay out anyway as a means to say goodbye to her Summer vacation.

Phone on do not disturb , headphones in her ears playing Muse. Andrea just wanted to milk as much of the Summer sun in the Fall breeze as she could. The past summer was so great. Andrea gained a boyfriend, spent most of it with her best friend, and got to take a long break from studying. She was so ready for Junior year.

Joycelyn, Andrea's Mom, called her from the inside of her two story home.

"Do you have water? Maybe I can make you some lemonade?"

Andrea's Music was just low enough to hear her mother. She waved her hand in the air and gave a thumbs up.

Shortly after, Joycelyn sat with her daughter and offered her an ice cold lemonade that she didn't know she needed until the first sip.

"Thanks, Mami"

"Are you ready for your first day tomorrow?"

Andrea sat up on her elbows, "I am as ready as I will ever be"

"This year will be a tad different from last year, you know," her mother interrupted, "you will have more tests, more papers, community service—college is right around the corner."

Andrea gave a quick, short sigh, "Of course, Mami, I will be on my toes at all times."
"I don't know how you will do this with a boyfriend. I don't know why you need one. I don't even know why he would date a Junior. It just shows where his head is at, Drea"

Boy, did Andrea's mother have so much to say. It was ruining Andrea's mood and making her a tad angry.

"Listen, mom, I'm a smart you say to everyone...I know what I can and cannot handle. My learning and grades will not suffer." Andrea responded trying to remain as calm as possible. There's no way she would risk punishment right when school started. The First Friday of School bonfire will be coming up. No way she would miss that.

Joycelyn, raised her eyebrow before returning inside. Andrea gave out a sigh of relief and laid back down. Just as Andrea relaxed back into her last day of Summer vibes, she heard the slam of a window. This resulted in Andrea shooting up and turning her head. She saw that neighbor boy shouting at his mother. Andrea shrugged it off, replaced the headphones back into her ears, and continued her sunbathing.

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