Chapter 2: Junior Year Begins

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Andrea would be the one to be prepared for school and still run late on her first day. It really wasn't her fault. She changed her clothes about five times, took an additional hour to style her curls, missed the bus, and waited for her uber ride to finally get to her.

Though, her first period class would not see it that way. Andrea tried to power walk through the halls to get to her class to avoid the late bell. Before she knew it, she was looking at the ceiling.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay, Andrea?"

Andrea fell flat on her behind and looked up to see her neighbor.

"How embarrassing! Yes, I am fine. I'm sorry for bumping into you—" his name wouldn't come to her mind, which made her feel awful.

"Michael," he said as he helped her gather herself back to standing.

"Are you also late?"

"I actually am. My mom was working by the time I woke up, so I took my time getting here."  he smirked and gave a nervous chuckle.

"Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the hallway. I should really get to first period before it's too late." Andrea began to walk away before Michael spoke up, "Do you have Miss. Cremins English AP? That's where I'm headed." Andrea stopped midway, "Actually, I do. How did you know?"

"Your English book kind of gives it away," Michael pointed towards his own, "how about I walk you to class so you don't have to enter alone either?"

Andrea shrugged and they walked towards the classroom.

"Sorry that I couldn't think of your name. That was so rude of me." Andrea broke the silence and blushed over the embarrassment.

"Oh, that? That's fine. We are neighbors, but, it isn't like we hang out like that." Michael chuckled. Andrea gave a smile, "Well, it was still crappy of me." Michael shrugged as they arrived at their first period class just in time as the late bell rang.

They parted ways as Andrea sat with her best friend, Kat, in the front of the class. While, Michael made his way for the back alone. Unfortunately, Kenny wasn't in English AP.

Kat eyed Michael as he got to his seat and turned her attention towards Andrea with a raised brow. Andrea glared back at her in a way to cut out whatever it was she was thinking.

Open to page 324. We will be going over literary history first and foremost.

Kat scooted closer to Andrea to whisper, "So. What were you doing with that boy?"

Andrea rolled her eyes at her best friend who rolled her green/hazel eyes back at her. Kat was her Cape Verdean, 4'11", dark brown skin and hair, sister from another mister.

Once the teacher told them to discuss the chapter amongst their neighboring classmate near them, Andrea finally spoke up.

"That boy has a name, firstly. And, secondly, I just bumped into him running late and just so happened he was coming to the same class."
"Girl, you can't just walk around with anyone. What if Erick seen you two?"
"I can walk with whomever I please."
"Hey, I'm just saying, not every Junior girl lands herself a senior boyfriend. I wouldn't risk it."
"And, I'm just saying, if anyone wants to be a jerk because I have guy friends, they can kick rocks barefoot"
"Oh, so y'all friends now?" Kat's brow furrowed as she looked back at Michael who seemed to be doodling in a notebook.
Andrea gave a deep sigh, "No! But, the same still applies."
Kat raised her hands in the air to surrender.


Michael shuffled towards the cafeteria after fifth period. He regretted staying up late the previous night reading Drone Wars. He was ready to take a nap standing.

"Hey Mike-O-matic!" Kenny yelled from behind as he slapped a hand down on Michael's shoulder.

"Can you not?"
"What's the matter, dude?"
"You want us to go another year as the nerds?"
"Dude, who even cares what anyone thinks? We are almost done!"
Michael ended up loosening up the closer they got to the cafeteria because he was able to tell Kenny about his morning with Andrea, finally. Kenny and Michael don't have much classes together this year except their period 8 study hall. Kenny was in honor classes and Michael somehow made it into AP classes. Michael wasn't sure why they couldn't just put Kenny in AP with him. Could have to do with his father requesting he stay in honors because AP was ridiculously difficult in this school. You could be in the honors classes and think you're fine to be in AP, but you'd be sadly mistaken. It's a whole other ball game. However, it does grant college credit. Lucky for Kenny, his father knew other ways to help Kenny her college credit. College credit was the best part of it for Michael. The less school in the long run, the better, in Michael's opinion.

"I'm glad you grew the nerves to talk to her. I thought we'd go another year with you talking about how much you wish you could"

Michael rolled his eyes at Kenny as they sat down to eat lunch. Kenny was Michael's best friend since sixth grade. They didn't meet each other until Middle school because Kenny was busy living in Connecticut for his grade school life. His dad got offered the job as a principal at Career Academy when it was first being built here in New Jersey. Thankfully, Michael doesn't know what he'd do without his best friend. Kenny was tan, had almost black eyes, and he grew his hair out so that there were curls just on the top.

Michael looked passed his friend's hair to look at Andrea sitting at the same table she's sat at since Freshman year. He wasn't sure what Kenny was even saying at that point. He decided to daydream instead. Which, he did too often. He didn't even need to have Andrea in his sights to do so.

"Hello! The bell?!"

Kenny yelled in Michael's face as students piled out of the cafeteria. Michael came to and they parted until last period Study Hall and it was time to go home.

Michael sat comfortably on his seat in the bus. Put his headphones in and gazed out the window, waiting for his friend and the other kids to board the bus for home.

Kenny was busy talking to some girls, something he didn't have an issue with, when Andrea came on and sat next to him. Michael looked over at her in awe and shock.

Finally, Andrea pulled his ear phones out, "hey, I'm trying to ask you something"
"I'm sorry, I was—a—dazing out. What's up?"
"I was wondering if you were going to the bonfire this Friday?"
"I usually don't..." Michael responded dumbfounded because he was wondering where exactly this was going.
"Well, I kind of was hoping you would. I think since we are neighbors, we should at least hang out once in a while."

Michael was nearly blushing. Kenny came on the bus and they made eye contact. A huge smile spread across Kenny's face as he sat in the seat adjacent to them so he could—very obviously— listen in.

"I mean, I will think about it."

Kenny cleared his throat a bit louder than he needed too. Andrea glanced at him before responding again.

"You could bring your friend with you," Andrea stood up and went to a different seat to accommodate Kenny.

"Dude! You'll think about it? I don't know what that was, but you're going"
"This week's bonfire—"
"Yes! We are definitely going to that!"
"I don't know.."
"We never been invited before. This is our time to shine. You don't want to be the nerd? Then let's go to the bonfire"
"Fine! Under one condition, if it's lame, we're leaving."
"Whatever, dude."

Kenny, Michael, Andrea, and a few others got off at the same stop. Kenny went over Michael's house after school just about every day. They'd snack, do homework, read some comics, and whatever else they ended up doing.

Today was not much different. In fact, it's what they did all week...except for Friday.

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