Chapter 6: Party of the Year

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Andrea was excited for the upcoming party, though, she was nervous. She had taken it upon herself to be distant with Michael. She felt as though there were too many instances that left her feeling they weren't meant to even cross paths. Andrea fully believed in the signs of the universe. Even if Kat thought it was positively stupid. With Kat and Kenny openly dating, she swore her into secrecy so that she may never tell Kenny anything she doesn't want Michael to know. Best friend stuff should remain best friend stuff. Considering some of the topics included her boyfriend's best friend, everything was off topic to be repeated. Even though Andrea was trying to remain distant, she wanted to look Eye-catching at the party. Though, she probably would've dressed up anyway. It's New Years Eve. She chose a beaded/backless dark green dress that stopped mid-thigh. Sleeves stopped just above her elbows. She had a beautiful gold bracelet and necklace that went with it. She would wear her curls out. She even went heavier on the makeup with golden cut creases, winged liner, and a nude lip. A pair of black heels completed the entire look. Kat ordered her outfit online from Dream Dream INC. A white and gold romper with a bold black belt. Andrea had to admit her best friend looked hot! Her black choker took the look over the edge. She wore her beautiful hair straightened. Her makeup just as bold as it was during Thanksgiving. They got ready together as they usually do. They left earlier than the party starting time since it was Kat's man, after-all.


Ever since Kenny had began dating Kat more exclusively, the guys' popularity increased a tad. They weren't at the top with the jocks. However, they weren't at the bottom with the nerds who ran through the halls pretending to be cars. They might even land right after the art freaks.

This meant Kenny's New Years Eve party travelled through the grapevine. It got bad enough that Michael had to explain to Kenny's father that it was at his house and his mom was totally cool with it. Considering his dad is the principal, it almost got cancelled. Michael's mother was working so many shifts due to the season, she almost lived at work. He wasn't too worried about that. What he was worried about is all the people who would be attending the party. Actually, he worried about getting Andrea's attention and hoping to amend things for the new year with her. He still wasn't sure what he could have done. Kenny doesn't even know, considering Kat was sworn to secrecy not to tell him.

Michael thought about all of these things as the house got more full by the half hour! There was beer and champagne at the ready. Music blasted at one end of the house where people were basically dry-humping each other. On the other end, people were sitting around the food and playing Spades. Then, there were the couch potatoes watching the Time Square footage. Michael had continued to keep his distance from Andrea. While, Kat was sitting on Kenny's lap, both with a drink in their hand.

Michael noticed Andrea talking to someone he didn't recognize right away. Then, they turned around to reveal it was Erick. Michael felt his ears get hot. He walked towards Andrea to make sure she was okay. Except, she was more than okay. She was laughing.

Furiously jealous, Michael turned around to grab a drink and chugged it. Kenny drew attention to him by cheering him on. Andrea and Erick turned around together to watch. Andrea was in shock with her hand over her mouth. As soon as Michael finished the beer he held it in the air and shouted, "SPIN THE BOTTLE!!"

A bunch of people cheered even louder as they marched their way to the living room to play. Andrea grabber Michael's arm as he made his way to the circle with the empty bottle and another half full in his hand, "What are you doing, Michael?"

"I'm letting loose. You should try it."

Andrea put a hand to her chest. Kat drunkenly hollered with laughter, "Come on Andrea. Go play. Don't be a chicken!"  Kat grabbed Kenny towards the circle to watch.

"I'm so not a chicken! I'm not kissing these people!"
"Then, come watch at least," Kat shouted over the crowd. 

Andrea followed so that she could see what Michael was up to.

Michael decided he'd be the first to spin the bottle. He kept his eyes on Andrea as he did. It landed on Bethany who shared a class with both of them. She giggled and cheered. Her blonde hair framed her face and she was really pretty. Michael didn't care about her, but, he hoped to make Andrea jealous. After three total of beers, he truly didn't have any sense at this point. He looked at Andrea as he leaned into her. He placed his hand on her chin and gave her a luscious, five-second kiss. He pulled away and Andrea looked just as pissed as Michael did.

"You know something? I actually do want to play."

Andrea made room for herself a few people away from Michael. She decided cut in line and go next. She spun the bottle. It landed on one of the art freaks that she didn't even know his name. She grabbed his collar and pulled him in aggressively for a kiss. Watching Michael as she did.

Both fuming, the game continued. Eventually, the game dragged with all the participants that people dispersed enough. So many left that Michael and Andrea were next to one another.

Andrea stood up and stared down at Michael, "Can I please talk to you?"

Without a word, Michael stood up and lead Andrea to Kenny's brother's room. It was the only one unlocked and empty. Probably due to how hidden it was in the house.

They sat across from one another in silence, both equally angry.

"Are you going to tell me what that was all about??" Andrea tried her best to keep her voice calm as she asked.

"What? Did I do something to upset you?"
"Oh my goodness. So, you mean to tell me that you planning a spin the bottle and kissing some girl in front of me, making sure I was watching, was for nothing?"
"Oh, I see. You're upset I kissed a girl? You do know you've given me the cold shoulder for months now?"

Andrea shifted and got quiet for a moment. Michael continued,

"Maybe you forgot because of Erick."
"Erick?! What does he have to do with any of this?"
"I seen you speaking to him and flirting."

Andrea stood up abruptly and laughed uncontrollably holding onto her stomach.
"That? That was NOT flirting!"
"What was it?"
"He was actually apologizing about the bonfire."
"Oh, that's great for you two. I guess you guys can get together and live happily."
"Listen," Andrea sat down next to Michael. She held his hands as she spoke, "I'm going to ignore how snarky you're being because I know you've had a few drinks. But, make sure you get all of this...I will not and cannot get back with Erick."
Michael's temper calmed down as he fed off of Andrea's energy. "Why is that?"
"I have a crush on someone else, I wouldn't be able to do that... to lie to myself."
Michael threw his hands in the air with frustration, "Are you kidding? Who?!"
Andrea let out another laugh as she pulled his hands back down, "I'm totally talking about you!"
Michael stopped for a moment to look into Andrea's eyes in hopes of deciphering whether this was true or not.

"What about the last couple of months? I barely hear from you. If it wasn't for having class with you and being your neighbor, I probably wouldn't have seen you either."

"I'm really sorry about that. It was so stupid of me. I really just wanted to keep talking to you," Andrea turned her head down as a wave of regret washed over her, "Maybe we'd be more like Kat and Kenny if I did"

Before she could finish, Michael realized she meant they'd be dating. It'd be the first clear answer he ever got from her. He stood up and pulled Andrea to standing. Both gazed into each others eyes. Michael put his arms around Andrea's waist pulling her close. Andrea hung her around Michael's neck. It felt like a century before their lips finally touched. Then, FIREWORKS blasted off around them. They could hear people cheering downstairs as the ball dropped, but all in all, it felt like it was just the two of them as they got lost into each other.

They couldn't wish for a better way to bring in the New Year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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