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"Stay away from my daughter, whoever you are. You're a negative influence-"

"Okay, back the fuck up. Who the he'll is this?"

"That is offensive." Lucifer grumbled.

"I'm her mother!"

"No, you aren't. Her mother wouldn't treat her like you have been. You have no right to the title Mother."

"How dare you! You know nothing about-!"

"How you verbally abuse her and force her to do chores even though she's six? Yeah, I think I do know a bit about you and your family."

"You can't-"

"-Lætitia Vautour Martin, Henry Simon Martin, and Ethan Pierre Martin. Your parents, both sides, are dead, and since neither respected the female gender, when you were given Malea, you did what your parents did to you. Don't do it again, I'm warning you."

"I-I... Who are you?"

"My name does not concern you."

"Y-you can't threaten me like this! You won't get away with it!"

"Oh, I already have. You'll be expecting a call in a week if Malea continues to be abused in any shape or form."


"Madame?" Came Malea's voice.

"J-just a second, dear." She called, "How much can I pay you to walk away?"

"Bribery will get you nowhere with me. Put Malea on the phone."



"Damn, that gave me chills." Lucifer shivered, not used to hearing Death angry and commanding. That was his thing, not Death's.

"Hello?" Malea spoke hesitantly.

"Hey princess."


"I missed you too, Malea."

"Madame wouldn't let me use the phone, I'm sorry."

"That is not your fault. So how's it going?"

"I've had to do a lot of chores - Oh, I don't think Madame is happy about something. She's giving me a mean look."

"Don't worry Malea, I have everything under control. Don't hang up the phone, but act like it, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Right now?"

"In a second. When you put it down, if that woman does anything mean to you, tell her to stop. If she doesn't, it will be okay. I promise."

"Okay, I trust you." She put the phone down, but made sure not to end the call.

"Who was that?" Madame demanded.

"A friend." Malea answered.

"Don't give me that bullshit, bitch. Give me his name!" She yelled.

"No! Stop, you're scaring me!" Malea cried, doing as Dean told her to.

"Oh boo hoo, is little Malea scared?" Madame teased in a baby voice, which made Death want to growl. "Answer the fucking question."

Someone knocked on the door. "This isn't over, you little crybaby." She sneered before her footsteps padded away.

"Dean? Malea picked up the phone again.

"Good job, princess. Now go to the door, with the phone."

"Okay Dean."

There was a short pause before Death heard a voice. "Hello Malea."

"Hello." She replied.

"I got a call a few minutes ago with some curious things happening. Miss, is this Lætitia Martin?"


"I have a phone recording of you threatening this young lady. I need you to come with me."

"W-what?! I would never do such a thing! Tell him Malea!"

"Unfortunately, the one thing Malea can't do right now, is lie. Thank you for acting so quick, officer."

"Ah, Mister Dean. The pleasure is mine. Now, Misses Martin, if you please..."


"Yes Dean?"

"I'm going to hang up now. The officer will take great care of you."

"Okay, bye Dean!"

"Bye Princess."


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