Not So Silent Night

Start from the beginning

When all were opened, we sat around for a few minutes, happily chattering and ogling our respective gifts. Finally, my mom stood up and gathered hers.

"Claire?" she asked, "Will you help me move my things into thekitchen?"

She picked up half her gifts and walked out without waiting for Claire's reply.

Claire jumped up to help my mom, grabbed a couple presents, winked at Francesco and I, mouthed, "Keep it PG," and left the room.

Finally, the opportunity I had been waiting for.

I felt a little jump of nervousness as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a dark blue envelope. I leaned closer to Francesco and handed it to him.

"What's this, cara?" he asked in surprise. "You already got me a watch."

"Just read it..." I trailed, blushing and hoping that my writing wouldn't seem sappy and stupid.

Francesco opened the envelope, and began to read.

I could see a smile spread across his face, and sensed his thoughts turn into a pink swirl of joy. He finished the poem and looked up at me.

"Jase, this is amazing. No one, no one has ever done this for me. Ever," Francesco whispered, turning to me and closing the distance between us. He gazed into my eyes for a moment, then bent to kiss me.

When we parted, he took my hand.

"Jase, I..." he trailed off, and I knew what he was going to say. I wanted him to say it. Wanted it with all my heart.

But he shut his mouth, changing his mind, and held me to him.

"Thank you," he murmured.

* * *

I sat in between Francesco and Claire at the kitchen table, my heart pounding and my palms sweating. This was it. I would have to tell my mom that I was a Telepath.


"So...Mom..." I began, shifting in my seat. "I bet you're wondering why we all wanted to talk to you."

My mom smiled at us uncertainly, not exactly sure what was happening. "Um, yeah, that'd be nice, Jase," she said.

"Well, first of all, let me say that you're probably not going to believe what I'm about to tell you. You're probably going to think I'm insane. But let me explain everything, please," I begged.

Mom looked at me, a spark of worry and nervousness touching her eyes. "Jase?" she asked, her voice raising with a touch of panic. "Are you okay? Oh, no."

Her eyes darkened and rage curled blackly into her thoughts.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

My mouth dropped open, and I quickly snapped it shut. I tried my hardest to swallow the bubbles of laughter that rose up. I didn't trust myself to look at Francesco's and Claire's expressions.

"What?" I exclaimed. "Mom, no! Of course not!"

"Oh," my mom said, relief flooding into her voice and expression, "Okay, good. Sorry."

"It's...alright. Now, please, Mom, listen to everything I say."

"Okay, hon, I promise."

"Thanks. Well, uh, have you, um, have you noticed how I seem to know how people are feeling most of the time? Well, that's not just intuition, Mom. I... I can sense people's feelings, and I can, uh, read their thoughts."

I finished my confession and took a deep breath, bracing myself for my mom's explosion of disbelief and questioning.

It never came.

I looked into her eyes, and didn't see the mix of surprise, confusion, and incredulity that I expected. Instead, I saw acceptance and...understanding.


Before I had the chance to open my mouth and ask if she was alright, my mom cut me off.

"Jase, honey, I know," she said.

"You know?" I repeated, perplexed. "How?!"

I looked at Claire and Francesco, who were sitting there, as stunned as I was. Francesco glanced at me, his eyes incredulous.

"Alright," my mom sighed. "I guess I have some confessing to do, too. Jase, I don't know how to put this, exactly, but, I've always known what you can do. I've known from the day I had you that you were a Telepath, just like..."

"Just like who, Mom?" I demanded.

"Just like your father."


Hi there, guys!

I know, I know, I know! You don't have to say it, I know!!!!

I've been terrible and neglected you guys for months! I'm so so sorry, and I promise you, I'm uploading an explanation in this book soon.

Despite my absence, how have you all been? I hope you had a Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Happy Kwanzaa/Wonderful Holiday, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy St. Patrick's Day, Happy Easter, Fantastic Fourth of July, and any other holiday I might have missed!

Also, I hope that this chapter is as good as the others. I haven't written in a while, so... this is kind of getting back into things.

Hope you guys love it, and again, I'm


Read, vote, comment, ENJOY!!

<3 graciegray

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