Ch.20 A Whale of a Time

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(I FINALLY UPDATE :') Sorry I'm horrible haha. I hope you guys love this chapter because I'm writing this before I even begin writing the actual thing. Enjoy!~)

You deadpan at your guilty looking friends and the shocked boys that stand in front of you. Your clothes are sopping wet and all you can think about is how uncomfortable you are.

With a now lowered head and eyes visibly darkened, you growl out in a low tone,

"How did you think that would turn out good?" You can see the group of friends before you visibly tense, and their eyes widen so much that you're almost able to hear the sudden fear that rings throughout their forms.

Slowly you look up and then begin running toward them, using your legs to push you up into the air as high as possible, into a jump that would put even Hinata to shame. 

(F/n/2)'s eyes get bigger if that's even possible and she screeches out in a terrified tone as she tries to recoil away from the oncoming attack,


-Enter to be continued meme and then fade to flashback-

"Argh! Guys stop pushing me." You try to pull your shoulders away from your over-excited friends who are pushing you to drag you to some unknown location and for all you know, this is where you die at the hands of your own friends. Sad. I know. But at this point, what else would they be trying other than to kill you off, because to be honest, we all see the way that (F/n/4) looks at those boys >:) She wants them for herself >:( 

((Ok real quick I have to take a break to say, I'm listening to 3racha rn and guys I'm dying. The hype is too overwhelming for me like UGGHHH. Changbin is actually murdering me here I will have to sue him for this >:( ))

You're brought to this very peaceful place. There are a few elegant trees scattered around the area and a beautiful, calm river that runs between them. The mere sight of the area causes your heart to be filled with joy and your face lights up, and without realizing a smile does as well. 

Just as your happiness begins taking over your body, you remember the intentions of your friends and you're brought back into reality. With a swift turn on your heels, you stare back at your group of friends, and with a stern voice you ask,

"What do you want with me?"

Your friends silently stare at you with an evil smile, getting distracted by something off in the distance. One of them grabs your shoulders and makes you look right in their face,

"Ok (Y/n). This is your moment. Shine and fly from the nest my little bird." She quickly pulls you into a hug before pushing you through the bush that you were standing by, only to bump straight into Tsukishima and, of course, knocking you both into the lake. The incident is quickly followed by the sound of gasps from your friends and some from behind a couple of trees.

You're able to pull yourself out and Tsukki follows your actions, hoisting himself up onto the bank of the river with an enraged look on his face and you with one that is equally as scary. 

"Get out of those crappy hiding places," You growl the angry look still plastered on your face and from behind the bush your friends hop out and from behind the trees pops out some of the Karasuno boys.

You're fuming and it's evident from the redness taking over your skin.

"What was that?" You snap angrily at all of the others before you who are now bowing apologetically.

But, before anyone could answer you growl interupting them, "Actually, you know what? Nevermind. You'll have a lot of explaining AFTER I change out of these uncomfortable, sopping wet clothes. 

They stand up and you begin walking back to the house and get changed.


And here you are now. Bullying all of your friends until you feel better about it because who are you? A GREAT FRIEND THATS WHO AND THIS WAS 100% THEIR FAULT.

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