(Ch.2)Trashykawa is bae (Just kidding.)

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There you were rushing to get ready and get to Karasuno to head to the famous Aoba Johsai school. Apparently, there is a practice game and you had just found out about it by Hinata texting you saying-


(Contact name): Uhmmmmm... What practice game ._.?

Hinata Shoyou: You didn't know about it ?_?

(Contact name): Uh no, when is it? 3.3

Hinata Shoyou: We're leaving in 15 mins ;-;....


Hinata Shoyou:...See you there o-o?

You barely had enough time to get ready, you're a mess, still half asleep, and look miserable.

"Holy crap! I think (L/n)-san is dead!!!" Tanaka shouted and everyone stared at you wide-eyed. You glare at the group

"Let's just get on the stupid bus and get this over with." You push everyone away and get on the bus immediately crawling into the closest seat and lay down.

-Time skip weeeeew(insert si-fi music WEWEWEWEWEW)-

You had slept the whole way and when you get off the bus you find that Hinata had barfed on Tanaka. You were rested and looking WAYYYYY better than before you left. You help get the team ready to head into Blue Castle's gym when you notice that a few of the members have wandered off somewhere. You and Daichi decide to go off and look for them. You eventually find them messing with a guy who has a turnip head and his friend. Tanaka is making a scary face at them (Like he does to most people :D) and both you and Daichi run up to the members.

"I'm so sorry!!" You bow making the two Aoba Johsai players blush. Daichi makes Tanaka bow also saying they're sorry.

"It's okay..." They wave slightly accepting the apology. You begin to walk back up to the gym and the two players keep their eyes on you until you're out of sight.

"Wow... Karasuno's got a cute girl..." Says the turnip head (Loool I still think turnip head sounds funny XD)

You all walk into the gym and you look around in amazement with Hinata

"WOW!!! This gym is so big!" Shouts Hinata. You look at the people

"They're huge" Your mouth gapes. You have been to nationals and gone up against some pretty fricken tall girls, but these guys were still huge, not Tsukki huge, but huge. You come out of your daze and realize a lot of people are looking at you including the coach.

"Well, if it isn't (L/N) (F/N)." The coach smirks. The Aoba Johsai team soon begins to walk over to you while turnip head and his friend had just walked in the gym.

"I saw you in nationals. It's a shame you didn't choose Blue Castle. We would've loved your help for the team." The rest of the Blue Castle team look at you in surprise.

"Now that I look at you," says a guy with short spiky hair

"I have seen you in a lot of volleyball magazines... usually on the front with your team too." Everyone looks at you in surprise.

"Yep... I guess I am in a few magazines..." You state awkwardly. 'Is she really that important' almost everyone thinks, wondering who exactly you were, besides the people who ACTUALLY know who you are (LOL?)

After all the attention died down and you helped Shimizu get water bottles filled, you go back to the court and begin to watch the game. You cheer for your team when they make points and quiet down or tell them they'll get the next point if the other team gains the point. Eventually, it's 1-1 and right now Karasuno is winning. You get up to go to the vending machine to get something to drink. While you're there you see a tall boy and try not to make eye contact. He was handsome and it wasn't that you didn't want to talk to him, you just didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him, so yeah you didn't really want to talk to him(XD?). And of course your luck he starts talking to you once you get to the vending machine.

"Wow, I haven't seen a girl this cute around here. Hmm, a different uniform, you don't go here huh?" You put on your best most beautiful ohmygodwhymeI'mtotallygoingtoembarrassmyselfgodpleasehelpmypoorsoul smile and turn to look at him,

"Nope!" you say quickly. He looks at you with wide eyes. 'Oh great I did it :')' You think just before he laughs softly and you look up at him confused.

"Well, you must be from Karasuno! I'm guessing even girls from rival teams want to see me!" He laughs proudly and you deadpan, 'Oh great, he's one of THOSE guys...' you think. You smile a sweet closed eye smile Cough an obviously fake smile.

"Who are you?". He looks offended as if someone had just called him a bad name or insulted him.

"I'm THE Oikawa Tooru of course!!" He quickly recovers instantly going back to his original stupid smile. You once again deadpan and say that you should probably get back to your team.

"You're going into the gym? I'm headed there too! I'll walk with you ;D" (That face is exactly what face trashykawa made ;D) You get back and sit down by Shimizu giving her one of the drink you had just bought while trashykawa distracted you. You look back and finally, the obviously unofficial setter was taken off and replaced by Oikawa. He serves and it honestly scared the bejesus out of you, but you quickly recover from the initial shock realizing you could COUGH do better than that COUGH. The Hinata-Kageyama scared Oikawa and Karasuno eventually won the game. You run up and they run back and hug each one of the members telling them they did great and handing them their waters. Aoba Johsai looks at the Karasuno team in envy, getting hugs from you and all >.> . You look back at them and Trashykawa waves at you with a smile. You run up to their team

"You guys did great as well!" You bow at them and the boy with the spiky hair smiles politely and Oikawa runs up to you,

"My serves were great right (L/n)-chan?!" He holds both of your hands in his and you look at him sweatdropping. Just before you could answer the boy with the spiky hair kicks Trashykawa and he falls over letting go of you.

"I'm sorry about trashykawa he's pretty stupid. Anyways I'm Hajime Iwaizumi." You smile politely at him making him blush slightly

"As you already know, I'm (L/N (F/N) but you can call me whatever as long as it's not rude!" You wave your hand slightly and keep your smile on your face. You couldn't help but notice Oikawa and his personality didn't quite match up, he seemed to have a pretty fake attitude talking to you out in the hallway and just now.

Your team gathers their things and head out to leave the school just as you see Oikawa and you inwardly sighed. The team and Oikawa had an exchange of words and you are already planning what to do with the team's training, you were the closest thing to a coach they had right now honestly. The team gets back on the bus and most of them are knocked out in the first ten minutes of the ride and you chuckle softly as you lean up against the side of the bus and slowly drift off.

After the bus arrives everyone goes in the gym grabs their bags some change out of the sweaty clothing and they all say their goodbyes Tsukki being the jerk he is kept calling you munchkin and you just try to jump on him and attack him by now. Tsukki and you are both in class 1-4 so you're pretty close friends, for Tsukishima. Everyone begins to head home. You still thinking about Oikawa,

"His serves and attitude on the court are kinda scary..." You speak out loud to yourself. You shake your head dismissing the thought as you approach your house and get ready for bed. 'That was another interesting day huh' you think as you drift off to sleep preparing for the next day.


This one was really weird to write for some reason.. ANYWAYS I hope you like the story and if you did like and share and if you want any other stories or want this story to go a certain way comment and I'm sure to get around it!

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