(Ch.11) I guess its a date

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You get to school at the usual time and go to the usual place. Not much different. Until someone texts you.

"Are... You.... KIDDING ME!?!?!?" You scream making everyone look at you.

"I SWEAR TENDOU IS GOING TO MAKE ME LOSE MY GOD DANG MIND." You rip your phone out of your pocket and stare at it. Your face slowly softens when you see an unknown number texting you.

Unknown number: Hey (Y/N). This is Kenma from Nekoma. Idk if you remember me or not but Shoyou game me your number.

Contact name: Ohhh!!! Heyyy!!! I rm you Kenmaaa :D How are you?

Kenma: I guess I'm fine. How about you?

Contact name: I'm good! Thanks for asking! What's up?

Kenma: Nothing really.egkjvdsujcutkaehrgv HEYY (Y/N)-CHAN!!!! How about we go on a date sometime ;) ;) ;)???

This text makes you do a double take and stare for a little longer. This can't be Kenma... Right? I mean he would never be this bold... AND WHATS WITH THE MASHED KEYS

Contact name: Uhmmmm... Kenma are you feeling alright..?

Kenma: Oh. Yeh feeling just fine. If you say yes i'll feel even better tho!!! Orrrrr If you ask out that devilishly handsome rouge Kuroo I might feel EVENNNN better! ;)

Yep that explains it. It's Kuroo texting you. He probably stole Kenma's phone off of him. Poor Kenma.... However you are free this weekend and usually your weekends are either just studying or studying... Yeh you really have nothing else to do and, really, you can't deal with anymore studying or your brain might explode.

Contact name: Sure! I'll go somewhere with you this weekend or we could just hang out at my place and watch a few movies. Your choice.

Kenma: SOUNDS JUST FINE. Man you're really losing out not going with that beast of a man Kuroo but I guess this is fine too.

Contact name: LOL Kuroo give Kenma his phone back and be nice. Also tell him to text me if he really does want to hang out this weekend I'm free all weekend soooo.

You throw your phone back in your bag and go through the school day as normal. Tsukishima is teasing you while Yamaguchi feels terrible about it but laughs so Tsukki won't yell at him. Hinata and Kageyama have their usual fight (Fr tho they're like a married couple those two. Gotta have their lovers quarrel every now and again). Suga, Daichi, and Asahi act mature as always, Nishinoya and Tanaka beg Kiyoko to pay the slightest bit of attention and when she doesn't they lose their minds saying

"I love it when Kiyoko ignores us!!" They also follow you around a bit but you just ask them what they're doing and tell them to go practice, and everyone else goes on as usual.

During practice while you're rolling the basket with volleyballs out to the court Coach Ukai motions to you.

"Today you will be playing a game with (Y/n) on one of the teams." Everyone instantly starts shouting trying to bring you over to their team.

"We'll have a school yard pick the two captains are Kageyama and Suga since they're both setters. We'll play rock, paper, scissors to decide who picks first. And since we have an uneven number someone will have to be subbed out but will play in the next game since we have enough time for two games."

Kageyama wins and pick you first. You head over to their side and this continues until each side has six players. The teams are:

Team Kageyama: Kageyama,(Y/n), Hinata, Tanaka, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita

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