(Ch.1)This should be interesting.

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(Just incase anyone is confused about some parts having stuff like , "Thanks for 1.2k," I originally wrote this story from Quotev and I've moves it here since I'm just generally online more here! Thank you and please enjoy the story!


If you guys want to, I have a BTS Fanfic (if u about that life :U) It's being updated more often. SO CHECK IT OUT IF UR INTERESTED :) Here's a link because I'm not so heartless that I won't update a fanfic u guys like AND make you go through my profile: https://www.wattpad.com/story/155080080-challenge-for-the-throne Thanks <3)

You slowly open your eyes as the sun rays bleeding through the blinds of you window illuminate your beautiful (S/c) skin. Just kidding!!! You wake up with your (H/c) hair a wreck, groggy half-lidded eyes, and drool on your face :D! You hit the button on the buzzing machine that woke you up and you growl as you get up and get ready to go to your first day at your new school (Yayyyyy ;-;!). You were never a morning person. If anything you were probably considered nocturnal. After getting ready you head out the door and begin your short walk from your smallish house and head off for school.

You arrive at the front gates at the school and look around at the number of people standing outside trying to make their way in the large building. You feel nervous of course but you suck it up and act tough (;D). Pushing your way through the large crowd of people you make your way in the halls with a piece of paper telling you your classes and lesson times.

"Hmm... Class 1-4... Uhh, where am I..?" You find yourself standing in a crowded hallway nowhere near your classroom. Instead, you are stopped by many people asking you to join their clubs. You, since transferring from a powerhouse school in (country) and going to nationals for girls volleyball, had one club in mind, the boys volleyball club. Of course you're not going to be playing since, well, you're not a boy, but instead, you wanted to become a manager or at least help them out a bit. You push through the halls and outside making your way to the second gym, which you were informed was where the Volleyball Club had practiced. By now you have completely given up on finding your class. You make your way inside awkwardly looking around until someone notices you.

"Hello. May I help you?" A grey-haired boy asks you and you reply quietly since you were quite shy

"Uh, I was wondering if I could join your guy's club, like as a manager or just to help out?" He smiles softly at you and you smile back as another boy comes over with a mature look and brown hair after hearing your exchange of words. "Well, we already have a manager but it wouldn't hurt to have an extra hand around here." You grin feeling less shy than earlier,

"Thanks! I really appreciate letting me join you!" You bow politely making the two blush slightly.

"Oh by the way my name is (L/n) (f/n) you smile softly at the two. The mature looking boy speaks up "My name is Sawamura Daichi," he points to the grey-haired boy

"This is Sugawara" The grey-haired boy smiles softly at you and waves slightly saying

"Suga is fine." Just then a look of confusion crosses his face

"Wait, where is Tanaka?" Daichi looks around

"Where is Tanaka..?" He says obvious confusion in his voice. You tilt your head slightly.

"Uhm... Who is Tanaka?" They both look over to you

"Oh sorry," Suga says

"Tanaka is another guy in the club, he seems scary at first but he is really a good guy." You nod just as you head the other closed door to the gym open

"Woah! You guys got a cute girl in here?!" You turn around and blush at the comment and see a boy with a shaved head. 'This is probably Tanaka.' You state in your head but it sounds more like a question to you.

Suga explains the situation to the boy and you eventually figure out that his name is Tanaka Ryuunosuke.

___________TIME SKIP CUZ IM LAZY <3 (The incident with Hinata and Kageyama already happened btw)__________

"Those guys are still out there..." You say looking out the windows of the gym Daichi opens the gym doors and tells them,

" You guys will play a three on three match since we have two other first years joining the club, okay?" Hinata says he'll do anything to play on the club while Kageyama just had a look on his face that scares you (Which is usually Tanaka's job).

"If you'll do anything then... If you lose Kageyama can't play as setter on the team." Hinata looks confused

"That's it?!" Kageyama looks as if the world is ending as we know it and he shouts

"I will win!" Hinata looks offended

"Uhm... You mean WE? WE will win?" Kageyama completely ignores Hinata instead dragging him away to practice at the park nearby.

After a while, you begin walking home for the night and spot Hinata and Kageyama still outside but instead of it being just the two of them you spot a really tall blonde kid and his friend messing with the first year duo. You slowly walk closer not wanting to look suspicious and you hear, "I'd love to see what kind of dictation the king is running now." You look confused until Kageyama grabs the tall blonde's shirt collar and looks furious. You run up trying to get him to stop, screaming at him.

"Kageyama!!! Kageyama! Let go of him!" He eventually let's go and begins walking away with his face covered in anger as Hinata follows him, still looking at you. You turn to the tall pair of boys and bow.

"I'm so sorry about them!" (Btw I'm too lazy to go back and put this in but you are friends with Hinata and Kageyama, not good friends, but friends) The shorter boy behind the blonde blushes softly and waves his hand slightly saying it's okay. The blonde just looks at you and snickers. You sit up straight and tilt your head. He puts his hand on top of your hair confusing you,

"It's okay munchkin" A look of disgust crosses your face and you hiss at him, well that's what you would do if you acted on pure instinct, instead you just smile awkwardly and swat his hand away,

"My name is (L/n) (F/n) not Munchkin" you try your best to keep smiling that beautiful fake smile of yours.

____ANOTHER TIME SKIP BC I WANT SLEEP TONIGHT :D (After the three on three match)_____

You walk into the gym and you hear a small gasp. You look over and see one of the boys in the club who you learned was called Ennoshita, this is your first meeting though

"You! I know you! (L/n) (F/n)!?" You reply

"Uhm... Yes, that's me."

"You're from the winning team in the nationals from (country)." You smile sheepishly 'Damn I was hoping no one would notice' you think to yourself maintaining your small smile. Everyone in the gym stops what they're doing and looks at you. "Yep... That's me...."


I hope this is good so far! It's kinda just an, "I don't know what do I do with my life now," thing. (As of now I'm writing this cuz I'm bored and have no friends wew XD!!!) If you like the story so far like and share or if you have any other ideas for a different story of any ideas for this story comment and let me know because I will probably take you up on the offer ;D (As long as it's not mature content related ;o)

New Girl (Various!Haikyuu x Reader) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora