(Ch.12) Movie night!

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You've gathered a few movies to chose from and cleaned your house. All you need now is to go get snacks and you're pretty much ready for Kenma to come over. You were trying to decide wether to buy just some bags of snacks at the store or order pizza but you just chose to run to the store, buy snacks and ask Kenma if he wanted pizza, it didn't really matter. Recently the weather has been really nice and a store is close you thought it would be a good idea to run to the store. You quickly change into some yoga pants (Cuz they're comfortable afffffff) and a t-shirt and head down the street. When you get to the store, you have the most controversial time choosing what snacks to get.

Your indecisiveness costed you a lot of time... and money... You bought both. And by the time you got to the check out it had been 30 minutes. You run outside realizing that its almost 6 in the afternoon so you dash back to your house.

When you get back to your house you take off your shoes and walk straight to the kitchen to put everything away. You get in the shower, put on some makeup (Sorry if you don't wear makeup but I do sooooo yep yep :3), put on clothes, and put your hair up(also sorry if your hair isn't long i found this hair style and thought it was cute <3). (Here ya go ;) I found the hoodie and it was so ironic that it killed me) Now it's 6:45 and you have nothing else to do... so good idea, facetime Nishinoya. He's fun and would be someone nice to talk to so why not call him?

You call him and it rings a few times before its answered and the screen starts loading. You see an unfamiliar male face pop up on the screen.

"Uh... Hello?" You ask. "Woahhh.... When did Noya meet someone this hot?!" You hear rustling in the back and see a few more faces pop up on the screen also unfamiliar.

"Uhm... Where is Nishinoya?" You see the person open his mouth to talk but before he can say anything you hear a shout

"OI! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO." You see the screen blur and Nishinoya's face pop up in front of it.

"Oh its you (Y/n)" You wave at Noya and smile

"Who are they? I've never seen them before." You question

"Oh they're just friends from my middle school. I haven't seen them in a while and so we thought to hang out." He answers and you can hear the boys laughing in the back ground. You talk to Noya for a while with every now and then having his friends bust into the conversation and try to flirt with you, which you just laugh it off and ignore it. You check the time and it's almost 7

"Oh. Hey Noya i gotta go I'm expecting someone over in a bit." You can see a smirk show up on Noya's face, though you don't notice he's trying to cover up a jealous look on his face.

"Ohhhhh... Who??" You giggle a little.

"Just Kenma. You remember him from Nekoma right?" Noya looks hurt for a bit but quickly recovers.

"Okay have fun! But not too much fun..." He makes a jokingly skeptical look making you laugh.

"Okay dad.." You both laugh and tell him you have to go and you both hang up. about five minutes later you hear a knock at your door. You open it and see a shy, blushing face that belongs to Kenma.

"Hey Kenma!" You smile warmly at him

"Hey (Y/n)" You invite him in and show him to your living room.

"So I just got a few movies since I couldn't chose so you can pick whichever one you want to watch. I'm going to go get snacks and the bathroom is down the hall and on the left." You turn back to get snacks and return with a few bags.

"We can order pizza if you want to but for now I just have these." You set down the bags on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Have you picked a movie yet?" He nods and holds up (Movie choice). You smile at him and put the movie into the DVD player. (YES IK ITS OLD BUT WHATEVER AHEM ANYWAYSSSS) You go grab a few blankets and toss them by Kenma. You sit relatively close to Kenma on the other side of him and press the play button on the remote.

After about half of the movie has gone by the A/C kicks on and it gets very cold very quickly. You reach over Kenma to grab a blanket and accidentally brush up against his chest making light pink dust his cheeks. When the movie ends you sit up and stretch.

"Wanna watch another one?" You smile at him

"I don't know its pretty late..." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh don't worry! Since you live like two hours away you can stay the night. There is an extra bedroom at the end of the hall. You don't have to stay though." He has a deep blush on his face

"I can stay i guess." You smile widely

"Yayy!!" You clap your hands together and stand up to put another movie in.

As the movie is playing Kenma keeps looking at you from the corner of his eye. He watches you slowly fall sleepier by the minute. After a few minutes you lean on his shoulder making Kenma jump. He looks over at you and see's you sleeping. He reaches up and brushes loose hair out of your face and smiles softly at you sleeping. The movie blares a loud noise and you jump up awake making Kenma jump back slightly. You yawn arching your back and look over at Kenma. You smile at him turned away from you blushing. Standing up and stretching you tap his shoulder

"I'm going to go watch my face and change into pajamas." You leave for a second and as soon you're around the corner he sighs and looks around before pausing the movie. He grabs the blanket you were using and wraps himself in a cocoon. When you get back you simply sit at his torso on the edge of the couch and rub his side. This scares him and makes him jump.

"Wow I didn't know i was that scary.." You say giggling at his blush. "If you're tired you can just go to sleep I'll show you do the room." You stand up with him and he follows you down the hall until you reach the door stopping right in front of it.

"Here we are." You turn to walk back

"Hey.. (Y/n).." He stops you in your tracks,

"Hmm?" You walk back to him and he just stands there. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck giving him a hug. He stands there stunned for a few seconds but wraps his arms around your waist returning the hug. You pull back and pull his head down a little to give him a quick kiss on his forehead. "

Night. If you need me I'll be cleaning up in there." You smile and turn your back to him and walk out of the hallway. He slips into the room and that's the last you see of him that night.


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