The Day After The Wedding

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I slowly opened my eyes and I felt dizzy and sore. Once my eyes adjusted, I was in Dark Link's room and I looked at him and he was fast asleep. I smiled when last night's event came flooding back to me and I giggled quietly.

'It's not a dream! I'm married to Dark Link now! I've never felt so happy in my life!'

I looked at the wedding ring and I smiled at it when we said our vows and how we felt about each other before Vaati told us that we're now husband and wife. I held the covers close to my chest and I smiled at the sleeping Dark Link. I gently ran my finger over his nose and he started to wake up.

"Wakey, wakey, my husband~"

I said as I kissed his lips and then Dark Link placed his hand on the back of my head and he kisses me back. Dark Link opened his eyes and he smiles at me and then he pulls me down to his chest.

"Good morning, my lovely wife."

"Morning, handsome."

Dark Link chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair and he then said to me.

"I guess this means you're officially mine, how are you feeling? are you OK?"

"A bit sore but, I'm all right."

"Good, because I got a little carried away when my shadow mark took over."

"Don't worry..."

I sat up and I smiled at him.

"You didn't hurt me, actually, I kinda liked it when you were going a bit rough for the second round last night."

Dark Link looked at me surprised and then he smirked at me. Dark Link pulled me down and then he kisses my lips deeply and passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then Dark Link shoved his tongue in my mouth. He then pulled away from me making me giggle a little.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Dark Link said with a smile. Dark Link got out of bed and he then said to me.

"Wanna join me for a bath?"


"I will be right back, my love."

Dark Link said before kissing me on the forehead. I smiled after he left to get the bath ready for us. I carefully sat up since I was still feeling a bit sore from last night. Dark Link came back and then he picks me up from the bed and carries me to the bathroom. Once we got there, he carefully sits down in the tub with me in between his legs.

"Allow me to wash your back."

"All right."

I said with a smile and then Dark Link began to wash me. I felt Dark Link's fingers tracing the scars that were nearly visible from the beating that I received in the past from my parents.

"My poor wife, I can't believe you've got this many scars from those beatings you told me about from before."

"All of that is in the past, Dark Link, I want to focus on the future, with you at my side."

Dark Link chuckled and he then wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I couldn't agree more and I love you so much."

I smiled at Dark Link's comment and I kissed his cheek. I turned to face him and then I hugged Dark Link.

"I love you too."

Dark Link smiled at me and then he kisses me again. After we had our bath together, we got changed back into our casual clothes and then we headed downstairs to get some breakfast. We got to the dining room while holding each other's hands and then Vaati saw us and he said to us.

"Hey, here comes the happy couple."

I giggled when Vaati called us that and then Ghirahim showed up but then he collapsed his head onto the table and he started groaning.

"Ghirahim, are you OK?"

"I'm OK...aside from a bad hangover."

"Well I did warn you not to drink so much, do you listen? no, you don't."

Vaati said in an annoyed tone making us laugh at him. Ghirahim smiled at us and he smirked at us.

"At least you haven't killed her, from those noises you were making last night."

"You heard us?!!"

"Thin walls, cute flower~"

I blushed bright red and I covered my face in my hands and then Dark Link grabbed the collar of Ghirahim's cloak and he shouted.

"Tell anyone what you've heard and you'll have a death sentence!!"

"Ah!! all right! all right! I won't say a word!!"

Dark Link dropped Ghirahim onto the floor and he then stood next to me.

"Sorry about him, he's got a loudmouth."

"I know, but, thanks for standing up for me."

Dark Link chuckled and I noticed Kaito wasn't here.

"Hey, where's my brother?"

"He's in the stables checking up on Scarlet, she's going to have her foal in what eight, seven months or something."

"Something like that, I'll go and see him."

Dark Link then said to me.

"Oy, forgetting something."

I giggled and I kissed his lips and I said to him.

"See in a bit, honey."

I said as I walked away from him. I looked at the wedding ring on my finger and I giggled a little.

'I can't stop grinning, I guess I'm still happy that I've finally met the man of my dreams.'

Once I got to the stables, I saw Kaito rubbing his hand on Scarlet's belly and then she tried to bite Kaito's hand. 

"Whoa! hey! easy girl! no need to snap, someone needs to make sure you're doing all right with your pregnancy."

"Hehe, is Scarlet still a bit grouchy?"

Kaito looked at me and he smiled at me.

"Well, good morning, sis, yeah, Scarlet is still a bit snappy and she's been a bit fussy with her food but that's OK, nothing to worry about, it's just normal."

Kaito said as he tried to pet her but Scarlet tried to bite his hand again. Kaito got out of the stable and locks the door.

"Ugh, what have I done to tick her off?"

"Do you know something, I'm beginning to think it's got something to do with her hormones."

Scarlet snorted in response and she shook her head. 

"So, how long until she has the foal?"

"Well, judging from the size of her belly, she's got about seven or nine months to go, it's hard to tell since I'm not used to having any scanners or the proper equipment for a pregnant mare."

"That's OK, at least some of the veterinary stuff around here is handy."

"That's true, nevermind me, how does it feel to happily married?"

"I feel so happy right now."

I said with a smile and then Midnight nudged his head near me making me giggle and stroke his head.

Being married to the love of my life is the best thing that's happened to me, however, a part me wished that my parents were there to see me marrying the man I love.

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