Our Special Night

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I tugged on the collar of my top and I said to Whitefang.

"Whitefang, why do I seriously need to wear your 'traditional' clothing here in the village? I could have worn my black tunic."

"Sorry, no can do, this is a special night and I would appreciate it that you'd wear something to celebrate, understood?"

I sighed in defeat and then Whitefang said to me.

"*Chuckles* cheer up, all is not lost, here come our lovely ladies now."

Whitefang pointed out and then we saw Lady Sophia and (Y/n) wearing beautiful dresses. I couldn't take my eyes off (Y/n) since she looked beautiful right now. 


Sophia and I walked over to Dark Link and Whitefang and they both smiled at us. Whitefang held Sophia's hand and he said to her.

"Honey you look lovely in that dress."

"Hehe, thank you Whitefang."

I looked at Dark Link and I asked him.

"So what do you think? You don't think I look stupid?"

"Stupid? no way, you look beautiful (Y/n)."

I blushed a little when he said this and then Whitefang said to us.

"Come on you two, the celebration is about to begin."

I took Dark Link's arm and then we headed over to the bonfire. We watched a few performers dancing and doing a few tricks as well. I smiled at the entertainment and then Dark Link said to me.

"You look as if you're having fun."

"I haven't seen anything like this in a long time since I was a kid, Kaito used to take me to entertainment like this before he joined in the Army."

Dark Link held my hand and he said to me.

"Just be glad you're here with me now and not back in the other world."

"Shh, not so loud."

Dark Link chuckled as he pressed his forehead against mine. Just then Leila approached the bonfire and then she started to create colourful smoke animals after throwing some kind of dust into the flames. The children smiled at this and they tried to catch the smoke animals as they flew by them. A smoke fox flew towards us and then it exploded into Dark Link's face and then he coughed and he wiped the dust off himself while I laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, sorry, hehe..."

I said with a smile and then Leila came over to me and she offered her hand to me. I was confused by this and then Dark Link made me stand up.

"Hey! Dark Link!"

"Go on and have fun! I'll be right here!"

Leila smiles at me and she then said to the crowd.

"Before I make another trick, I'd like to point out that this girl is the descendant of the very woman who saved our lives and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank her for coming being the guest of honour."

I blushed a little as some of the villagers clapped for me.

"Please, Leila, I've done nothing except being a weakling for the rest of my life."

"That's not true, you say that you're weak but, deep down, there's a power inside of you that's slowly awakening, you just don't know it yet."

I smiled at Leila when she said this. Leila then got a small bowl and she gently ran her thumb over my cheeks and forehead after dipping her fingers and her thumb into the bowl of paint. Once she was done, she smiles at me and she said to the villagers.

"I'd like to say, this girl may be a human but, that's no reason to fear her, for she is, the descendant and our saviour and from tonight she's welcomed anytime in our pack and our home."

Leila said and then several coloured smoke animals appeared from the bonfire and then they either flew or ran around me like if they're welcoming me. I giggled at this as the villagers clapped and cheered for me. Dark Link came over to me and he held my hands.

"Did you hear that (Y/n)? they're no longer afraid of you."

"I know isn't that great news?"

"It sure is, I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Dark Link and I kissed each other the lips without a care in the world and we didn't care if the villagers looked at us as they danced to the music that was playing.


After the party was ongoing, (Y/n) was enjoying herself but, as she rested her head on my shoulder I noticed that she smelled like a bar.

"Oh, dark Link~ this is one of the best nights that I've had in a long time~ *hic*"

"Um (Y/n), are you drunk?"

"Hehe~ not yet I'm not~"

I was surprised at how drunk she looked right now. Sophia saw this and then she sweat-dropped a little.

"Oh dear, looks like someone had too many of our alcoholic fruit drinks."


"Sorry Dark Link, I should have warned her before she had about...maybe five or six drinks?"

I shook my head at her and I said to her.

"I should have known better to let her stay with you! look at the state she's in she can barely stand up!"

Suddenly, (Y/n) hugs my neck tightly and she giggled a little.

"Dark Link~ I love you so much~"

"I love you too, (Y/n), but can you please...let me go."

I said as I got out of her grip. I helped (Y/n) onto her feet and I then said to Sophia.

"I'm gonna go and take this one back to her tent."

"All right, but, I'm still glad the two of you came, like what Leila said, the both of you are welcomed any time in the village."

Raoul then came over and he said to me.

"Here, let me help you with this one, you've had a few yourself."

Raoul said as he picks up (Y/n) like a bride and I wobblily followed after them.


As (Y/n), Dark Link and the werewolves celebrated, Fierce Deity was near castle Altea on his armoured horse and he could sense that Dark Link and (Y/n) were no longer there.

"She's not there, then where could she be..?"

Fierce Deity had to come up with another plan to get her and he knew what to do. Fierce Deity got the poison that he got from the witch in the shadow realm.

"This will work on that traitor, once this kicks in, (Y/n) will come to our side no matter what."

Fierce Deity chuckled evilly at his plan.

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