I've Failed Her

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I rode next to Fierce Deity in silent as we walked through the forest. I looked at Fierce Deity and I then decided to speak up.



"Where are we going?"

"We're Ganon's castle of course."

I sighed a little and I said to him.

"I meant whereabouts is Ganon's castle."

"It's in the shadow realm, it's always the last place those idiots would look."

"I see..."

I looked away from Fierce Deity and he then asked me.

"You're not regretting coming back with me now are you?"

"No, my brother has always told me, no matter what the choices you make in life, you have to keep your head held high."

"Wise words, I'll admit that much."

"Well, he was in the army, he was taught by the best when he was in training."

"I see, well, Ganon will still be interested when we get back."

I looked at Fierce Deity and I then asked him.

"I know this might be a personal question and you might tell me it's none of my business, but, why did you join Ganon's side? I mean you fought beside Link when you fought against the Majora's mask."

Fierce Deity glared at me and he said to me.

"I have my own reasons."

"In other words, 'none of your business' I get the picture, you don't want to tell me that's fine, I won't bother you."

Fierce Deity looked at me and stares at me up and down.

"I just don't get you."


"When humans see a deity like me, they just run for the hills but you, you tried to fight against me and now, you're coming with me back to Ganon's castle and you're making conversation with me, why is it you're not afraid of me?"

"Is it weird for me to say that I can actually tell the enemy has a softer side to them?"

"What?! you can't be serious."

"I told you that was weird for me to say, but, all of that is in the past now, I'm not that lonely girl that I used to be anymore."

Fierce Deity looked at me surprised and he then shook his head at me.

"You really are a strange one."

I giggled a little when he said this to me.

'I guess even people like Fierce Deity Link really do have a different side, I guess he's not so bad once I get to know him even though he's working for Ganondorf.'

I thought to myself as I smiled a little at Fierce Deity. Eventually, we got to some old ruins and then Diablo reared a little and he took a few steps back a little.

"Easy, easy, Diablo, it's OK."

Diablo's ears went back and he refused to move no matter how many times I kicked his side.

"If you can't control your horse, you should've brought a smarter and braver one like Arion here."

Arion neighed in response. I shook my head and I then said to Diablo.

"Don't pay any attention to that Diablo, you just spooked that's all."

"I don't care! I don't like this place and I'm not going another step!"

My Prince Of Shadows (Dark Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now