If you got nothing nice to say, stay away

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Don't call me if you've got nothing sweet or nice to say

if your life is out of control and you don't know how to behave

Don't waste my time with issues about family and friends

some of them are so distorted that it's hard to see an end

Don't occupy my space about war, crime or immoral behavior,

shut off the damn tv for is not your freakin' savior

Don't give any excuses that others are to blame

look in the mirror, you're the one who's insane

Don't think for a moment that you're the victim of life's realization

for is just your negativity that contaminated your twisted creation

Don't defend your lack of humbleness or human compassion

get a grip on yourself, for your style is really out of fashion

Don't ever excuse yourself for not being loving and kind

you know it's really up to you to choose what you fill your heart and mind.

~Lasse Wikström

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