True friendship

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True friendship is the kindness from the heart

A genuine companion even when worlds are apart

Appreciating you as a sovereign being

While sharing together all that has a deeper meaning

There's no superiority, just common sense

That we're equal although we've some small difference

What we share and what we give to each other

Is what counts when the heart is lonesome and bothered

True friendship is compassion when things are rough

A supportive heart when you feel you had enough

That trustful voice that really care

In those times when life just seems to be unfair

No judgment of how you should be or react

Just unconditional love as a healthy feedback

Appreciating who you really are and all your choises

Knowning that a lecturing will be really pointless

A true friend is someone that you always can count on

That sees you as perfect and has a shoulder to lean upon

A person that dosen't need you for their own alignment

Or suck you dry to reach some egoistic fulfillment

It's a friendship that brings joy and unexpected adventures

Opens doors to new things that excites and inspires

It's that person who are done playing games and drama

And has some control over their personal karma

In true friendship we will be able to expand

And in some parts we'll do it hand in hand

For when we learn to care about other people's happiness

It returns to ourselves with universal blissfulness.

~Lasse Wikström

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