Chapter 2 : Doctor Friend

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"I was brought to the hospital due to the wound that I got from the shooting incident that happened in the awarding ceremony last night."

As I continue my statement in the media, someone came.

"Rekka! How are you? Is your arm fine?" She said while running all over me.

"Yes, but can I ask your identity ma'am?"

"Heart Justice, your childhood friend." I was shocked. I didn't know that she already came back from Hong Kong.

Heart is a doctor living in Hong Kong. She's my childhood friend in the Philippines. We were like siblings when we were kids. But we have another friend; I didn't meet her after all these years. We talked for about an hour in my room about how I come to be a detective and how she became a doctor, but of course we cannot forget about our childhood friend. Her nickname is Ela, ambition is doctor. After we talked, my partner came rushing to my room. I asked her what's with the rush; she said "A crime has taken place in your house!" I was brought there by Ellise. I was shocked...

It was my housemaid, Brenda; she was shot by a Caliber 45 multiple times. I am panicking inside, but I am a detective; I shouldn't panic. I examined the house carefully and concluded that the motive was robbery. I asked them if they already called the police, they said that it will be coming any second from now. I was thinking twice if I could handle the case, but thought that as a detective, I need to be objective and handle the case. I called my father if he's safe; "Why? Did anything happen there?" He asked "No...thing serious, dad." I said while sweat was dripping all over me...

I called Heart, and asked if she could perform the autopsy. She said that she can't perform it, because she's in the middle of a busy schedule. So I decided to leave it to the forensic investigators to do their job. While waiting for the police to arrive, I asked Ellise to go home to research what I will tell her in the phone later on.

The police arrived a few minutes later, I saw Anthony and asked him to let me help in the case. I was well-known for my deduction skills, so he let me investigate the case. While investigating, I found a note that says "Meet me at the clinic of your girlfriend. -Black Mamba"

Then I was shocked, it was a serial killing group known for its killings and none of them were caught after a decade or two of hiding and killing random people. "I don't have a girlfriend, but I guess they thought of her as my girlfriend!"

I called her immediately, but nobody is answering the phone. I went to her house and saw the door wide open. I went inside and saw a note saying "Later, don't forget at 10:00 o'clock in the afternoon -Black Mamba" "I---t's written with----BLOOD!!!!"

I checked the time, its 9:12... I called Anthony and asked him for help. But he refused because he is investigating the case of my housemaid.

I went to the location stated by the sender. I saw a guy with a gun, holding a girl! I immediately ran to the location but he pointed it at me. I saw his face, and thought that I saw him the last day in the place where I practice using guns with my father. He was a good shooter, so I didn't think of going near him.

I just asked him. "What do you want from me?" Then, he said that he wants to kill me! "Then let's talk about it! Don't hurt the people around me!" But he nodded, saying that I made his brother go to prison in a case that I worked with in the past. I asked him if I can do anything, just for him to let my friends go! "It's too late." Then, he pointed the gun at Ellise. I ran as fast as I could to pull it off. Then... BANG! A gunshot! I reached Ellise and saw a small wound in her thigh. It was Heart... She shot the guy also known as Black Mamba. I reported the incident and filed a case against the guy for kidnapping and attempted murder. Heart wasn't arrested because, little did I know, she was an FBI agent and was working as a doctor to get this guy imprisoned. But, Drey Waterson wasn't the man behind the crimes that happened to my house...

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