Chapter 1 : Dentist

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"They said that I can't be a good detective, it's funny if I think about it...

My name is Rekka, Rekka Myster to be exact. I'm a high school detective. As I said, they didn't trust me in any case when I offered help. But because of an incident that happened in our school, a brutal murder case. Nobody solved the case for 5 years. I'm not yet a full-time detective at that time as I was still in junior high. But when I was starting in the senior high level, it became an interesting case for me. An unsolved case that nobody can solve, sounds cool right?"

I was standing in front of lights, cameras and hundreds of thousands of people, talking about my first case that made me popular. At this moment I have a good track record, I solved a hundred and twelve cases. Well, of course a detective also needs a partner in solving crimes. I met her while solving a case called "The Mystery of the Dentist". Her name is Ellise Franceska, a smart dentist that is good in science.

She is part of the case that I solved 3 years ago. In fact she is the main victim. It was a hard case that happened in my own country. I am a way-finder detective and so, I went there just to solve the case. I went to their clinic to find some clues. I wasn't lucky that they were such good criminals. They left very few evidences that may not be seen by ordinary people. I found it hard and it's the first case that I panicked, but I found new evidence that may lead me to the hideout.

I was impressed. She used my code to create a clue. I guess she's also wise apart being smart and talented. "d7k670t9r053v17735tr33t" is written on a slightly ripped paper found in the crime scene.

I understood it the moment that I saw it. "Block 6 Lot 9, Roseville Street." I went at the place but nobody seems to be around. As I was leaving, I heard a gunshot. I ran into the house but found out that someone was just practicing with a gun. Little did I know, timing was used as a part of the trick, I went back home disappointed. As I turned the television on, I found out that a murder occurred in the place that I went hours ago. I went to the place mentioned in the news as soon as possible. I didn't have a gun at that time as I was still in senior high. Policemen were found everywhere, along with the police cars and sirens. I looked into the victim, a man named Alex, a police living in a near street.

As I started to observe the victim, I found out that he was killed exactly at the time that I heard the gunshot. I asked if there were any potential suspects, but none were found. When I was observing the area, I found something on the ground, an identification card. It was from the clinic where the kidnapping occurred.

I called my friend named, Anthony. He was a full-time detective at that time. He helped me look for the house. Then when I successfully found the house, they were about to kill her. In anger, I broke the door just to get inside without thinking straight! He pointed the gun at me, then BANG! A gunshot was heard across the street. But someone saved me. "Ellise! Wake up! Ellise!"

I was so angry that I went to the man who had the gun. Easily, I stole the gun from his hands then pointed it at him. "How do you feel when you kill people? Is it fun? Relaxing?" I said to him with anger in my heart. But he just laughed that turned into tears... of sadness. "Really, you're really the one that asked me that question? How about I tell you that you, policemen and these doctors are worse! You killed my wife and accused her of something that she didn't do! While these doctors killed my daughter! Saying that they did their best?! Now I'm getting my revenge to all of you, and I may start with you!" He said.

"Yes, if you planted a case against those people that you mentioned you can be a justice provider! But when you killed hundreds of innocent people, you were nothing but an ugly, blood-thirsty killer!"

He knelt and cried while apologizing. I called the police that came few minutes later. They arrested him for killing innocent people. The dentist was brought to the hospital. Now, she's my partner in solving crimes all over the world, Ellise France.

"That all ends here I guess, Thank you to you all for giving me this Best Detective 2018 award. I'm really grateful that now, the world appreciates and respects the word "detective". Thank you!"

As I end my speech... BANG! "What's happening here? My arm, full of blood!"

Detective RekkaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant