Fresh Fresh Greenery

Start from the beginning

"THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" you deadpanned, hollering offensive words at the same time.

"Alright, let's do this!" Goggles exclaimed, pushing you to the side.

'Oh, show-off is gonna roll again...'

"Heh, not to bad! I'll show you two a cool trick!" Gloves smugly responded. Getting into a rolling position.




'Fucking idiot, NO ONE rolls forwards... And Goggles— why you let go of the trigger?!"


"Never roll ahead, fucking idiot."




You opened your eyes to see Gloves blushing form on top of you. Blushing a light blue hue too, you soon realized he must have rolled backwards like a retard.

"Uh, sorry—"

"JERRY BEGONE YOU THOT," you exclaimed, flabbergasted and a blushing mess, quickly bringing up your (f/c). (A/n: If you has roller, than OOF.)


You quickly got up embarrassed, but glad. 'Hhh felt nice when I was breathing the same air as him—'

You swiftly realized your team was watching you in awe.

"What are you doing? Pesky Gloves ain't here to splat you guys for now, go go GO!"

"Ah, right!" realized a distracted Glasses, who soon began to do as told.

Then you heard a familiar sound.

Tenta missiles.

If you're at spawn, that's the perfect place to use that special— but he was just splatted— how could he fill his special gauge so quickly?



You looked into the bright blue sky, only to realize the tenta missiles were already falling.


"Guys, spread out—"


Well, too late.

You skillfully dodged the tenta missiles that were aimed towards you, peeved by how dumb the blue team was.

'Well, we'll win anyways, so what's the point?'

"Another hit!"

"What's this?! A new special?!"

"Take a hint, retards."

"I've never seen it before!"

"Heh, I came across a rumor about the blue team, but you don't seem all that fresh to me." Gloves bragged, emerging from his side onto the main battlefield, where the blue team now was.

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