Happy Birthday

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○○○》Izuku narrating《○○○

From a very young age I learned that all men aren't created equal... many people have more power then others... over the years people have just made that thought more and more concrete... I wanted to help people, so that when they see my smile they feel safe... I wanted to be a Hero!... but...

All Might: "There are just some villain that can't be beaten without powers. So no. I don't think you can be a hero... not without a quirk."

I'm useless... even when I saw my friend being suffocated by a villain... a villain I set free... I just stood their in fear...

《3rd person POV》

Two men dressed as security guards were walking down the dark hallway. One was short and fat, while the other was tall and skinny.... (Wa)... They were Daze and Wail, two con men trying to make a quick buck by stealing from an odd building holding a bunch of ancient artifacts. Among these ancient artifacts was stone box with silver medals scattered around it.

The stone box had an odd design on top, a rectangle with three circles in it.

Wail: "Wow, Daze! This is gonna be our biggest haul yet!"

Daze: "And the easiest. I mean who just leaves a bunch of Security uniforms lying around!"

The two laughed and talked until the reached the artifacts.

Daze: "WOAH! Look at all this loot. Were gonna make so much money off this!"

Wail: "Hey. look at this thing?"

Daze turned to see Wail looking at the stone box.

Wail: "Their probably somthing good inside,"

Daze: "Like more stuff!"

Wail: "Or money!"

Wail and Daze pointed at each other and smiled.

Wail and Daze: "OR GOLD!"

○○○》Small timeskip《○○○

The two found a comically large crowbar and tried to open the box, but the crowbar only bent into a long metal stick.

The two tried multiple times to open the box only for them to end in failure. Meanwhile behind the box the Silver medals started moving into the shape of a hand. The medals moved up slowly, as if it was in pain. It moved up to the top of the box, and twisted the rectangle on top, before ripping it off. The silver medals then disappeared. Daze and Wail approached the box trying to open it again, but this time with their quirks, But as soon as they touched the box with their quirks active the received a massive shock.

The box shook violently before bursting open sending Daze and Wail flying. Then a massive amount of medals flew out of the box before forming 4 huminoid monsters.


green bug type,

green bug type,

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