Natsu’s green eyes widened with wonder. “I will help you all the more in your mission to find them!” he declared loudly.

Erza and I giggled nervously at his antics. I had no doubt Natsu would fall in love with Lucy, we weren’t kidding when we said she was pretty. We were more worried about her accidentally breaking his poor heart when we leave! Or, heaven forbid, he might even ask for her hand in marriage! Lucy would absolutely freak out. They did seem to wed pretty young in this dimensions age. We need to get back to the tomb with Lucy and Levy ASAP. It was our only logical way back home. But our last two encounters in the woods told we couldn’t get there alone, sword or not. We needed an escort. And that would take some serious finagling.

“Come on,” Gajeel gruffed. “We’ve delayed your introductions long enough.”

I sigh and stand up following close behind them as they lead us up a flight of stairs, to a grand salon that took up the entire length of the building on this level. Gray, Ava, Jellal, and Carmen were sitting beside a small, gray-haired man who sat in a throne-like chair, telling him tales of our journey. He frowned in fear and then clapped in glory when he heard of his daughter’s climb to safety. Ava looked up then, and caught sight of us.

“And these, these, Father, are the heroic woman who came to our rescue.” Ava rushed over to me and dragged me to him, Carmen doing the same to Erza. I felt like a giraffe next to her, being inspected by a new zookeeper. “They pulled swords from their saddles and wielded them like fierce warriors!”

He studied us, then rose and took my hand. He looked up at me. “I am indebted to you,” he said. He bent and kissed my hand, then he turned and did the same to Erza. Erza and I blushed heavily in embarrassment and struggled to respond. “My daughter tells me you have become separated from your family,” he continues. “In gratitude to you, my sole goal will be to see you reunited.”

“Thank you,” Erza said sincerely, speaking for the both of us. I was too busy trying not to cry, he was being so kind and genuine it brought tears to my eyes.

“You are exhausted. The day has clearly tired you. Someone will see you to your room, and we will speak more of it this evening, or if you prefer, tomorrow. Good?”

“Thank you,” I manage to say. Ava bent to speak in a servant’s ear, and the woman came over to me. “Come, Miss. I'll see you two to your quarters.”

We followed behind her, Erza helped me limp up the stairs, rejecting the servants offer to help. At the top, the woman pulled a ring of keys from her belt and unlocked the first along the hallway. I peered down it there appeared to be about eleven more. She opened it and gestured inward. “Please.”

I limped forward and went directly to the window of the narrow room. There two beds, a chair, a table, and this, the window, overlooking the town. I pushed open the shutter and looked down on the well. People swirled about it, but no blondes or tiny bluenettes among them.


We awakened to maids knocking on our door.

“We are here to assist you with your baths.” They said. My eyes widen and Erza and I looked at each other nervously. 'Juvia is perfectly capable of bathing herself…’ But even now I could feel the dirt and grime from our trip and we were more than eager to wash it off asap, and something told me that arguing with these maids would only bring unwanted attention to us, so we followed them.


“Um… Erza?” I said. “What is that?” I point to the two beautiful dresses laying on our beds.

We stood there gaping for a moment before slowly approaching what I could only equate with a wedding gown. Except, the one on Erza's bed was an elegant green dress and the one on my bed was light purple. It seemed to be endless too! It just kept coming, yards and yards of fabric.

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