Ch 42

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     Once the groceries were done being put away, I sat at the kitchen island scrolling on my phone. Ryan and Derek still sat on the couch, and Jacky had wondered up stairs. 'I guess this is what they meant when they said everyone does their own thing,' I thought to myself. I sat at the counter for a few more minutes and then wondered downstairs to where all of the instruments were stored. I pulled my acoustic guitar from the case and started tuning it. 

     Once all of the strings were correctly tuned, I walked up the stairs and right out the back door to sit on the stone patio. I sat down and got myself comfortable, then I started to strum a few notes. I wasn't specifically playing anything, just a few cords. I stopped and sat my pick down and sighed. I grabbed my phone and started looking through my playlist trying to find inspiration as to what to play. 

     My eyes landed on paper thin Hymn by Anberlin. I tested the first few notes before diving fully into the song, I played and ever so quietly sang alone to the cords. 

           " When your only friends are hotel rooms

            Hands are distant lullabies

             If I could turn around I would tonight"

       The cords rang effortlessly though the backyard and my voice carried off softly. I closed my eyes and continued to play, getting lost in the moment and the song. 

           " These roads never seemed so long

             Since your paper heart start beating leaving me suddenly alone 

            Will daybreak ever come?"

      I paused when I heard another guitar start playing the same notes as me. My eyes snapped open and I lifted my head to see Jacky sitting there across from me with a small smile on his face. I raise my eyebrow at him and give him a quizzical look. "I heard you playing while I was in my room. The song was beautiful so I decided to come join. I hope you don't mind." Jacky explained with a slight blush on his face.

       I sat there for a moment, fiddling with one of my strings. For some reason, this made me extremely nervous. Jacky strummed a cord and I looked up at him. His face was gentle with a small smile. "Come on, lets start again. From the beginning." Jacky urges. I nod and we both start from the beginning. Our cords blended effortlessly and I started to softly sing once again, but this time, Jacky joined in with me. His deep voice laced with his British accent stomped my Meer whimper of a voice and carried with the cords we played. 

           "When your only friends are hotel rooms

           Hands are distant lullabies

            If I could turn around I would tonight"

          "These roads never seemed so long

          Since your paper heart start beating leaving me suddenly alone

          When will Daybreak come?"

         "Who's gonna call on Sunday morning?

         Who's gonna drive you home?

          I just want one more chance

         To put my arms in fragile hands"

        "I thought you said forever

         Over and over

         A sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion"

        "these thoughts run through my head

         Over and over

         Complaints of violins become my only friends"

       "August evenings 

        Bring solemn warnings 

        To remember to kiss the ones you love goodnight"

        "You never know what temporal days may bring 

         So laugh, love, live free and sing

           When life is I discord 

          Praise ye lord"


         "Who's gonna call on Sunday morning?

          Who's gonna drive you home?

           I just want one more chance 

          To put my arms in fragile hands"

          "I thought you said forever 

          Over and over

          the sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion" 

      We played and sang in the mid afternoon sun. I lowered my head and watched my fingers run wild on the frets while my other hand danced the pick along the strings. A tear rolled down my cheek as we sang along. My bitter nights with Ray are over. The bit of lyrics rolled off our tongues and the last notes danced off of our fingers. As the final note rang out, I set my pick down and wiped my face. 

      I looked up at Jacky. His soft smile and kind eyes were ever present like always. I smiled back at him and opened my mouth to say something when I was interrupted by the sound of clapping and someone whistling from the back door. I snapped my head around to see Ryan, Derek, and Ronnie standing in the door with Charlie behind Ronnies legs.

     My face turned beet read and covered my mouth with my hand. "How long have you guys been standing there?" My voice shakes as my question escapes my lips. 

     "They got there right after we started playing together." Jacky stated. Ronnie nodded in agreement. 

    "Guys, that was so gorgeous. Holy SHIT!" Ryan exclaimed clapping his hands. Besides all of my embarrassment, I chuckled at Ryans reaction. 

    I let my guitar rest on my knee and looked at the guys. "Sorry we interrupted whatever you guys were doing. I didn't know we were being that loud back here. I looked down at my hand and ran my finger up and down one of my strings. 

     "Oh bullshit. We are all musicians, we don't get irritated when we hear someone with skill playing. Unless you have no rhythm or skill like Ryan." Ronnie jokes and elbows Ryan. Ryan shoots him a pouty look and walks back inside. "Really, it sounded great." Ronnie confirmed his compliment and went back inside with Derek following short after. This left me and Jacky outside alone. 

    I look up at him and smile, getting back to my thought that was interrupted by the clapping earlier. "Thank you again Jacky. You guys really did save me and gave me a second chance. I can't thank any of you guys enough. Hell, I can't thank you enough for comforting me in the middle of the night when I have nightmares." I smile softly and take my guitar off and set it on the bench next to me. Jacky smiles and mimics what I did with my guitar. 

    "It's no trouble at all. Im glad you're feeling safe already. As for the nightmares. I'd rather lose a bit of sleep than to have you scared or something while you are alone in your room." Jacky smiled softly at me. I stood up and moved to sit next to Jacky. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my forehead on his shoulder. Jacky returned the hug and rubbed one hand on my back while he rest his chin on the top of my head. 

     "Thank you again Jacky." I whispered into his chest. His hand continued to rub my back, but I felt his chin leave the top of my head. He then kissed me on the top of the head and let his lips linger there. 

    "It's no trouble at all Abby. If anything, I like being here for you whenever you need." He whispered into my hair and kissed the top of my head again. I sighed and relaxed into his embrace. Something about being engulfed in Jackys arms felt right. It felt safe.  It felt, almost like this is where I am supposed to me. 

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