ch 27

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      I awoke but kept my eyes shut. I could see the light shining threw my eyelids but some was blocked. I shivered and curled up smaller. I could feel my pillow rise and fall in sync with jackys breathing.

     Wait.. What?! I opened my eyes and i was looking at jackys chest rising and falling to his quite snoring. His chin rested right above my head. His hands wrapped around my waist. My knees resting above his legs.

    The weak sent of axe and clean laundry filled my nose. I sighed and layed there contemplating if i should wake jacky or wait for him to wake.

   After a while of thinking i was going to wake him up. Even though he was comfortable, I really had to pee. I moved my hand from between me and jacky and i set it on his shoulder.

    I lightly shook him. "jacky wake up." I quietly whispered as I shook him. He groaned and wiggled but didn't completely wake up.

      I shook his shoulder harder and whispered him to wake up louder. He groaned and opened his eyes. He looked down at me and his eyes got wide and his face red. He moved his hands and scooted away.

      "s-s-sorry i-i d-didn't m-mean to." He stuttered his face turning a deeper shade of red.

      "jacky. Calm down it's fine." I said waving my hand at him and getting up. I used the bathroom and walked back out. Jacky was laying in the same spot on his back while doing something on his phone.

     I plopped down on the bed next to him while the others did there own thing. I grabbed my phone and looked at ny email. It was all boring stuff. Like normal.

    "what are we going to do today?" I asked looking at jacky. He took a moment to think.

    "im not sure really." He said. "well if they do they didn't tell me." He said and smiled at the end. I sat up amd looked around. Everybody was up and doing something.

    "who what's to go to the mall?" Derek asked. Ronnie and ron said sure, ryan said yes very loudly, and jacky shrugged.

     "i don't have any money." I said frowning. Looking at Ronnie.

     "don't worrie we will pay for you." He said smiling.

      "are you sure that you don't mind?" I asked he nodded and went to go change.

      We all changed and i got dressed into some grey skinny jeans, a

Asking Alexandria shirt, and a motionless in white hoodie.

     I grabbed my phone and we all walked out of our room, onto the elevator, and out the front door. The moment i walk out of the door the a cool end of summer breeze whipped my hair to the right side.

    Jackys pov.

      We walked outside and the cool breeze moved the tips of my hair in different directions. I cant believe that i did that to Abby last night. Just imagine how in comfortable she was. Wow real smooth jacky she probably thinks i am a freak or something.


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