ch 26

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      i woke up and it was still pitch black out. I rolled to my back and looked at the bed side clock. The neon green numbers read 1:42. i quietly sighed. I very slowly and silently slipped out of bed trying not to wake anyone. I walked to the balcony door and slowly pushed it open and quietly closed it behind me.

     I moved one of the chairs so it was closer to the railing. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest as the cool night air gently blew over my legs. I looked up at the stars in the night. They are beautiful.

     What am i going to do when they leave. Should i go back and live with Ray or should i go some where else. I really don't want to go back to Ray. Hopefully they stay for a little while longer.

     I rest my chin on my knees and look out  over the city. The lights are starting to dim in some buildings. Few cars crowd the streets with people walking up and down the sidewalk. Of all people falling in reverse meet me and Emily and we are now friends.

      I can hardly believe that i am staying in a hotel room with the whole band and i am sharing a bed with my favorite guitars and my inspiration. Wow what a crazy week.

     I hear the sound if the balcony door slowly open and close. "Abby. What are you doing out here at 2:09 in the morning." A sleepy British voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

      "i woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so i came out here to think." I said turning my head back to the city. I could hear him pull the other chair up next to me and sit down.

       "what are you thinking about?" He asked. I looked over at him his eyes looked sleepy yet caring, his hair was messy, and he had some dried drool on the corner of his mouth.

      "i dont know what I'm going to do when you guys leave. Who knows what Ray will do and i dont think Emily wants me to stay at her place until i get a job and a place to live." I said and sighed still looking at him.

    His eyes worry and sadness. He sighed. "im so sorry that happened to you." He said his voice holding so much emotion. His accent making me want to listen to every word he says.

   "dont be im fine." I said giving him a small reassuring smile.

    "no you arnt look at your arm, cheek, and collar!" He exclaimed but not in a mean way but more protect. "what kind of man treats a woman like that! Its not right. Im sorry Abby. I wish that never happened to you. You never deserved it." He said putting his head in his hands and shaking his head.

      I was to shocked by his words to say anything all i can do is look at him. "im sorry i didn't mean to say that." He said. I looked at him.

     "jacky dont be sorry. That made my morning." I said grinning at him as he looked up at me. He smiled back and we both looked up at the star filled sky. "its so beautiful." I gasped. The sky was cloud free, the stars where bright agents the dark sky, and the moon cast a beautiful glow onto the balcony.

    We sat and looked at the sky for a good 20 minutes. "do you wanna go back inside? Its get late and chilly?" He asked still looking up.

    "sure." I said. I put my feet back on the floor. He stood up and stretched and offered to help me up by putting his hand out. I grabbed his hand a got up with a little help from him. Be let my hand go and opened the door.

    He held the door open then closed it behind us. We both climbed into our sides of the bed he layed on his back and i curled up on my side. I soon fell asleep.

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