CH 34

361 19 2


Ok so i started this story 2 years ago, so i am going to slowly write this book to the present day. So if this chapter seems a bit out of date, and it while, That is because i am continuing where i left and am going to write to the present day.


"What are you writing?" I asked and looked at the notebook covered in pencil and pen.

"Writing some new cords for my solo album." He muttered as he tapped his pwn on the table. I nodded and leaned back, not wanting to bother his writing process.

I stood up and sat between Derek and Ronnie. "Where are we going to next and When will we get to your house?" I asked. Ronnie looked up from his magazine.

"We are going to pick up Charlie and Jacky's 2 cats. I hope you aren't allergic to dogs or cats." I shook m. Head and smiled.

"I'm nto allergic to either. I love cats and dogs!" I smile and pull out my phone to text Emily.

Me: hey Emily! we just got the bus and have to pick up Ronnie's dog and Jacky's cats! I'm so excited to see the cats!

I sent cent the message and opened up twitter and scrolled until we got to the kennel where the pets where being kept.

Your My Only Hope (Jacky Vincent fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt