ch 7

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Me and jacky slid into some some seats next to each other. The bartender walked up and smiled at me completely ignoring jacky. "how can i help a pretty lady like you?" He asked leaning on the counter.

"jack Daniels." I said being iterated by his attempt to flirt. I looked over to jacky. He was looking down and he look like something was bothering him. "two jack Daniels" i said not taking my eyes off jacky.

Once the bartender was gone i completely turned stoll so i was facing jacky. "Jacky." I said trying to get his attention. He looked into my eyes. "what's bothering you?" I asked looking into his icy blue eyes.

"N-nothing. Im f-fine." He said looking down and fidgeting on his stoll. I looked at him once more and then we sat in silence waiting for our drinks.

The annoying bartender argrived soon with our drinks " two jacks for the pretty lady." He said flashing a smile. I roled my eyes and handed jacky his drink. "call me." He said slipping me a napkin.

Both me and jacky stood up and started our walk back to the guys. " creep" i said looking at the napkin.

Hey sexy. I hope you arnt dating that buzzkill that was sitting next to you. ;) call me and we can have some fun.

When i got to then last part we where already sitting at the table. "Eewwwwww!!! Get it away! Burn it!" I yelled throwing it in the middle of the table, but it ended up infront of Ryan. Great.

"lets see what we have here." He said grabbing the kapkin. "hey sexy. I hope you arnt with that buzzkill that was sitting next to you. Call me and we can have some fun" he read aloud.

Everybody was laughing except me and jacky. I sat there pouting while jacky looked sad. "why are you so sad jacky? Do you need a hug?" I asked opening my arms and hugging his midsection. He hugged me back.

The guys and Emily where saying "awww" "how cute" "future couple!" And " mommy daddy!(of course by Ryan). We pulled away and he smiled at me.

A few minutes later the waitress came by with our food. Oh it smelled so good. We all ate, joked a little, laughed, and some choking because of laughing while eating food.

Best meal ever. Except the creepy bartender watching me every once in a while. What a creep.


Sorry it was short i need some ideas please(for this story or another)! I will take requests for stories just put them on my message board.

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