CH 37

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That night i unpacked my bags and got settled in. My room was starting to feel more comfortable. I have made my bed with my grey and red bed set, my clothes where hung in the closet and folded in the dresser by the far window. A small black TV hung from the wall opposite of my bed. And i had all of my stuff set in the bathroom.

By now i was exhausted. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to text Emily.

Me: Hey Emily! I had a great day! I am loving it here in L.A. and the guys are welcoming me like ive always lived here! Well i am exhausted, so i am going to go to bed now! Good night!

I sent the message and turned out the lights and got into bed. I layed on my right side, so my back was to the door. My mind raced with thoughts, and wouldn't let me rest. Thoughts about Raylen, about Emily, and about the guys. I wondered if Emily really misses me. My thoughts then wondered to each guy and ended on Jacky. Jacky, is my favorite of the guys. He has been nice to me every sense i met him, well all of the guys have been nice to me. A smile graced my lips as i though of the night in the hotel when i woke up with my face in Jacky's chest. With that thought i fell into a deep sleep.


The sound of loud knocking woke me from my dream. I climbed out of bed and ran to answer the door. When i opened the door, Raylen stood there. He was extremely pissed. He put his hand on the door and shoved it fully open. "Come on Abby. Get in the car, now. I have to deal with these fags." I shook my head, and he growled in anger as e grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me to his old Chevy truck. I looked over my shoulder to see Ronnie, Jacky, and Ryan standing in the doorway.

"What do you think you are doing?" Ronnie called and crossed his arms. Ronnie took a few steps forward and dropped his hands to his sides. Ryan and Jacky started to walk forward and Raylen reached to his right side. He pulled a Colt revolver from his pocket and pointed it at the guys.

"Back off. She is going back with me. I dont know why she wanted to stay with a bunch of Fags like you guys." He snarled and moved the barrel of the gun to my temple. My eyes widened and tears pricked the corner of my eyes. Jacky moved to take a step forward and Ronnie extended his arm telling him to stop. Jacky turned to Ronnie and said something. The sound of my heart beat in my ears flooded the sound of their voices.

I felt Raylen's chest vibrate in a evil chuckle a gains my back.


I shot up in my bed in a cold sweat. The tears pricking my eyes in that terrible nightmare slowly slipped down my cheeks and stained the sheets of my bed. I quite sob left my lips and i shuddered. The shudder turned to a small tremble. I slowly stood and walked out of my room and into the hall. I stood there, racking my brain and trying to think of who's room was across form me. The only thing i could think about was the horrid nightmare playing over and over in my head, like a broken record.

I lifted a shaky hand and lightly knocked on the door, only loud enough for the person sleeping in the room to wake up. A few seconds later a shuffling sound was heard from the resident of the room. The door was slowly opened to revel a groggy Jacky. He brushed his hair away from his face. "Abby? Why arent you sleeping?" He asked, his accent thick with tiredness.

" I... Um I had a nightmare." I whispered and looked to the floor. Hearing myself say that made me feel childish. A sad smile replaced Jacky's tired smile.

"Come on, then. You can stay in here for the night." We opened the door wider so i could walk in. He lead me to his bed and he got in the left side and i the right side. We lay facing each other. " Would you like to tell me about your dream?" He asked quietly. I hesitated for a second before nodding and telling him the whole story.

By the end a few tears streaked down my cheek. Jacky moved his hand and wiped the tears from under my eyes. He then moved his hand to my back and pulled me closer to him. "Dont you ever worry about him again. I wont let anything happen to you." I rested my head on his collar bone and sighed.

"Thank you Jacky." I whispered and slowly drifted to sleep.

Jacky's POV

" Thank you Jacky." She whispered and i heard hear breathing even out, signalling she was asleep.

"I would do anything for you." I murmured and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.


WHOOO! So much FLUFF!! This was absolutist so much fun to write.

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