"Juvia?!" I turned just I saw the missing man kick Juvia's side from behind. He caught her off guard!

My vision turns red as I see Juvia go down, her face crumpled in pain. The man had a satisfied look on his face until he caught sight of me. He had no time to think, only react, as I rushed forward with my sword. The imensity of the impact as my hit his sword caused him to drop his own sword. He cursed and shook his hands, trying to get the blood flowing back into them. His eyes widened when he realized I was swinging my sword again and he raised his arm to block the hit.

I don't know what stuff my armor was made out of, but it clearly wasn't the same as his because it dented and tore the metal pretty badly. The man's face crumpled in pain and I sent him flying with a spinning kick to his face. He slammed into the large boulder before shriveling down to the floor uselessly. I glared at him for a heartbeat before rushing back to Juvia's side.

"Juvia! Juvia! Talk to me! Are you okay? Where did he kick you?" I asked in english, growing more worried when her pained face didn't ease.

"Donne moi une minute..."Juvia muttered, her eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey, Juvs, I don't speak french." I said nervously.

"One..moment..." She said breathlessly, slowly proping herself up on her elbow.

"They guy must've had quite a mighty kick to have you in pain like this."

"It wasn't the kick that hurt me," Juvia said as she pulled herself up to sit on a nearby log. "When I fell over the hilt of my sword rammed into my thigh."

I winced slightly. That had to hurt.

"Wh-what happened?" Redus asked wide eyed, staring at the mess of bodies loitering around us. He stared at us in open shock and mild fear. "Only a witch could do such a thing!"

"N-no! Please listen to us Redus! We are not witches! We are simply well trained!"

"Y-yes! Juvia's guardian made sure she and her sister's knew how to defend themselves in case there was no one there to help them!"

"And also, look! They're still breathing! If we were witches don't you think we would've finished them off?"

Redus seemed to take this all into account. "B-but still even if you aren't witches, what you've done is extrordinary! You've single-handedly taken down five Phantom Lord knights! What do you really want of Fairy Tail?"

We shook our heads, practically pleading with him to believe us. "The only thing we want is to find our sisters and to go back home. It'll be like we never crossed paths with Fairy Tail."

We never heard his response because at that moment Castor and Pollux crashed through the trees like some wild animals, Jellal not far behind.

"Redus! Where are the girls?!" Jellal exclaimed when he saw him alone.

Castor immediatly trampled past Redus and over any unconsious Phantom Lord knights and headed straight towards me. I raise from my crouched position to properly hug him tightly, thanking him for the reinforcements. Jellal came charging at us so fast I nearly raised my sword out of instinct.

"Erza." He said in relief when he was close enough to see my face clearly. 'Cause, yknow, the bright red hair didn't give away.'

"Are you alright?"

I snorted. "Better than them." I said, jutting my head to the left. Jellal's eye's widened when he saw the floor littered with bodies.

"Whew! Redus you did this all on your own?" Exclaimed Natsu after he exploded into the clearing where we were located, Gajeel and Gray hot on his heels. "Remind me to spar with you next time!"

Tomb Of Time And Destiny: A Fairy Tail FanficWhere stories live. Discover now