Just say you won't let go

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Jimin's Pov
It's been a jolly good year since me and taehyung spoke. Those last words he spoke cutting into my flesh leaving a sensation of never ending stinging only thing was that sensation was a bit too real.

The dark thoughts that I once locked in a cabinet  are now already embarked on my mind, similar to two lover writing their initials on a old souled tree. I was disgustingly ugly that's why Yoongi left. I was beyond fat. That's why Taehyung said what he said. I was imperfect beyond human imagination. The constant tauting in my mind just saying that I should end it all.

I could  give so much valid reasons why I should leave this over populated and over judgemental sphere and be taken in by the more special and perfect beings that I read im children's books. However, even then would I be kicked out just like satan was from the heaven only things was not because I was challenging or evil. No because I probably remind the almighty that I was his mistake. The mistake that he could not be bothered to erase.

I knew that I should have ended all of this along time ago but Jin was the only person that made me realise that I should live another day. Even though I was adopted he never treated me like I was. He always protected me to an extent. He was always there to pick up my swollen then shattered heart. Taehyung was too but you know what all say like father like son.

Third Person's Pov
The whispers of the shallow wind spread through the sky as it commanded the birds to follow suit. The shrieking of seagulls filled the air like a really off tune love song. There sat a figure rocking back and forth over and over again. To any sane person you'd believe he was a madman but they wouldn't be far off with this case. "Bangtan boys is falling down, falling down, falling down. Bangtan boys is falling down, save my life please". A certain mimt head was approaching silently. "Hello hyung, I've been expecting you" the bambi boy spoke. Yoongi looked disturbed at the tone the younger was using. It sounded like a sick 7 year old child repeatedly asking to come play with. He sat next to the younger making himself comfortable.

"Hey jungkook how have you been keeping up?" the pout never leaving  in a way plumped lips. He hadn't seen the younger since the little game of hide and seek at Hongdae last year.

The youngers feature became more defined more mature. He could obviously make the ladies swoon if he stopped dressing up like a homeless person but who was Yoongi to speak. "So tell me hyung, how was sleeping with jisoo again like" There it was again the tone that sent chills down minty boy's spine. How the hell did he know that me and Jisoo hooked up again. "Wondering how I know right hyung. Let me tell you're not that slick. I could sense the bitch on you. She has you all wrapped around her finger like a caterpillar in a cacoon only thing is hyung is the fact that butterflies are beautiful and well you're not. Tell me hyung was Jimin-shii not enough"

Jungkook was getting on his nerves but he decided to remain silent and act like it did not bother him. Jungkook on the other hand was furious that he could not break Yoongi and let him have his fun. "Insanity is true form of art" was all jungkook could think of. He had always broke his victims beyond limit.

Yoongi stood up and looked at the younger for a good split second. "You're fuckin weird. Like how are you friends with any of us" the acid lacing through those not proof thought words was burning. However, this was Jungkook. He did not break easily. All he did was simply laugh. "Bangtan boys is falling down,falling down, falling down. Bangtan boys is falling down, save my life please. We shall meet again hyung but for now just say you wont let go" . The mint haired boy walked off visibly shaken from that altercation. What have each of them become.

---- Pov
Hey I'm - - - and I- have things to get of my chest"
"You've come to the right place"

A/N: This is you're author speaking im really bloody sorry if this chapter is fuckin shit. I kinda lost hope on this book. Anyways don't forget to like comment and share.
Love Mayxxx

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